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Subject: Re: [office] some answers regarding drawing comments
About the ellipticalQuadrant, my colleague and I studied the example by Chris, and found that ODF1.0 has defined rules for repeating commands.
Chapter 9.5.3 said that, "If the command is repeated multiple times, only the first command is required. (e.g. “M 10 10 L 20 20 L 30 20” can also be expressed as followed “M 10 10 L 20 20 30 20”)". Therefore, the example, "M 5 0 X 10 5 5 10 0 5 5 0 Z N" equals to "M 5 0 X 10 5 X 5 10 X 0 5 X 5 0 Z N", which is surely not a circle.
Helen Yue
Lars.Oppermann@Sun.COM>">Lars Oppermann <Lars.Oppermann@Sun.COM>
here is a list of comments I got from our developers working on the application, regarding the pending comments from
Chris regarding the format...
[attachment "drawing_issues.pdf" deleted by Zhi Yu Yue/China/IBM] ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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