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Subject: QA on final schemas - not compliant with rule ELD1
In going over the NDR checklist I realised we have not satisifed rule ELD1
> Each UBL:ControlSchema MUST identify one and only one global element
> declaration that defines the document
> ccts:AggregateBusinessInformationEntity being conveyed in the Schema
> expression. That global element MUST include an xsd:annotation child
> element which MUST further contain an xsd:documentation child element
> that declares "This element MUST be conveyed as the root element in
> any instance document based on this Schema expression."
i know we had this in the later drafts - so it must have dropped off
without us noticing. if we cannot get another generation then it would
be simple to manual edit this in to each maindoc schema.
tim mcgrath
phone: +618 93352228
postal: po box 1289 fremantle western australia 6160
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