A little follow-up from our guys...
Several of our EDXL standards are tailored for the DE and ATOM does not
offer all of the needed elements to support this. So ATOM used in place of
DE may be contra indicated by the IETF Standard (IETF proposed standard in
RFC 4287). It can be used as an extension; but with deprecated functionally
and could not be robust as using the DE. Most of the tools for ATOM seem to
be tailored for XML to RSS delivery. Could see a scenario where ATOM is a
ContentObject in the DE to facilitate RSS and the use of those tools
Tim Grapes
"The only thing we take into the next life is our character"
Original Message-----
From: Timothy Grapes [mailto:tgrapes@evotecinc.com]
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 3:22 PM
To: 'Jacob Westfall'; rexb@starbourne.com
Cc: emergency@lists.oasis-open.org; 'Lee Tincher'
Subject: RE: DE versus ATOM
Hi Jacob,
I have not but am glad you have reached out about this. I believe this is
an appropriate topic to ask of the EM-TC, and I ask that Lee T. also comment
whether he has come across Atom in his dealings with other standards
Tim Grapes
"The only thing we take into the next life is our character"