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Subject: [ubl-ndrsc] Agenda NDRSC 12 February 2003
Dear all
please find attached our agenda for today's teleconference call. I am
expecting all members of the NDR SC to attend given that I have received no
regrets :-)
The NDR SC will meet by phone on Wednesday, February 12 2003:
Please use the following dial-in information:
Toll-free (from the U.S.): +1 888 422-7116
Int'l Access/Caller Paid Dial In Number: +1 608 250-1828
1. Roll Call and Welcome from the chair (Mavis), assignment of co-chair to
take minutes.
(a) new members
(b) quorum review
2. Acceptance of minutes from F2F meetings.
3. Adoption of agenda/schedule planning
4. Discussion of the proposed NDR UBL 1.0 release schedule (Mavis)
5. Review priorities and assignment of work items (Mavis/Lisa/Mark)
6.Update on Context Methodology (Eduardo)
7. Embedded documentation (Gunther/Mavis)
8. UN/CEFACT ATG Generic Header Project (Arofan)
9. Adjourn
Mavis Cournane
Cognitran Ltd
+44 7816 904739
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