OASIS Emergency Management TC

Re: [emergency] CAP Issue #9

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] CAP Issue #9

    Posted 12-30-2003 15:26
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    Subject: Re: [emergency] CAP Issue #9

    While I understand the objective of what this is trying to accomplish,
    and I certainly think we, as a TC, need to address this scenario/use
    case, my personal belief is that we do not know enough about the
    ramifications of this addition, at this time, to include this in CAP
    1.0. Therefore, I would propose we label it as a Future Version item,
    and we give it the attention, thought, and testing it deserves.
    Some supporting specifics on each of the Notes/Value domain, just as
    examples of why I propose this:
    1. What is its relation to the URI? Are they are the same? Can they be
    coupled together to equal the "total" attachment? For instance, using
    what we have here, I could put a photo, like of a missing child, in the
    message, and a continually updated audio of the most recent status
    locate at the URI reference. From an implementor's perspective on being
    at the receiving end, how would I know these go together? What if I get
    one, but not the other (URI is down)? Etc...
    2. Saying one-way MUST support this is definitely a great attempt to
    ensure compatibility, but realize what it also says  - in practice, this
    also says that if you can't support it, then the alert has no value,
    which may not be the case. Again, this has to do with the relativity of
    the resource to the alert itself and is a topic we need to discuss. We
    somewhat tabled it by not including binary items, but doing so certainly
    implies that it is to "go with" the alert, versus just referencing
    ("supplements"). Also, whether or not it is supported should be
    determined by the capabilities of the receiving party, not whether or
    not it is one-way or two-way.
    3. Certainty of clients being able to support - this, in my opinion, is
    a big black hole. Why? Because as a sender of an alert, it now requires
    me to keep a database of all recipients that can support my alerts,
    which is an infrastructure nightmare. Think of the web - imagine a web
    site having to keep track of every IP address that requests a resource
    (HTTP, FTP, etc.) before sending it something. In the Web world this is
    handled by the user-agent sending some info about itself to help the
    site determine what it can and can not support - browser type, language,
    supported "Accept" mimetypes, etc. In the one-way world, we need to
    think through this more.
    4. Striping the content out and providing it via a URI would also be an
    issue. It may be ok to do this - again, its not a one-way or two-way
    issue. It is a capability issue, such as bandwidth. Same problem here if
    the two items are not the same - photo + audio for example.
    5. Enforcing additional restrictions...again, this should not be a
    one-way vs. two-way issue - its a capabilities issue.
    Personally, I think this is a GREAT first step at trying to conquer this
    issue, and it think it is something we can build upon. But adding this
    in, in my professional opinion, forks the standard. It breaks it into
    one-way vs. two-way, which I think is a bad thing. To ensure
    compatibility and interoperability, I think this issue needs to be
    thought out in more detail - so that we can come up with a mechanism to
    facilitate either of these scenarios, with some consistency on how that
    is accomplished.
    On Mon, 2003-12-29 at 23:18, Art Botterell wrote:
    > Attached is an updated version of the proposed language with a 
    > technical correction in the class name.
    > - Art
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    R. Allen Wyke
    Chair, OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee

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