OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

  • 1.  Updated schema for XLIFF 2.0 plus examples

    Posted 04-20-2011 13:24
      |   view attached
    Hi, The attached zip file contains the following documents: - xliff_core_2.0 : updated XML Schema for XLIFF 2.0 - xliff_example.html : simple web page used for generating an example of XLIFF 2.0 - unsegmented.xlf : a basic XLIFF 2.0 representation of the example HTML file - segmentation1.xlf : a modified version of the previous file, with basic segmentation applied. - segmentation2.xlf : a modified version of the previous file, with improved segmentation applied. Main changes in the XML schema: - Removed <ignorable> element - Reintroduced <matches> as container - Added support for the "xml:space" attribute in <source> and <target> - Renamed <note> to <simpleNote> Possible change: add a holder element for <simpleNote> The example "segmentation2.xlf" shows one way of with untranslatable stuff without using the removed <ignorable> element. Regards, Rodolfo -- Rodolfo M. Raya <rmraya@maxprograms.com> Maxprograms http://www.maxprograms.com XLIFF20.zip


    XLIFF20.zip   2 KB 1 version

  • 2.  RE: [xliff] Updated schema for XLIFF 2.0 plus examples

    Posted 04-20-2011 19:17
    Thanks for the updated files and examples Rodolfo. I like very much the simpler mechanism to have translatable segments and non-translatable parts at the same level (rather than the non-translatable parts as elements inside the <segment> like before). But I would still make a semantic distinction between "segment" and "segment translate='no'" as used here. "Ignorable" (whatever the element name ends-up being ) as a concept is different from a segment. To me, the non-translatable/ignorable parts here are not segments they are inter-segments. I think the need to have their own element rather than overloading the semantic of <segment translate='no'>. A segment marked as translate='no' is a content that for some reason is non to be translated. If it is joined with another segment it probably should remain non-translatable. While the parts outside segments are content that are made non-translatable/ignorable by some segmentation and simplification mechanisms, basically to clean up the segment content. When joined with a segment such part becomes part of the segment content and is likely to become 'translatable'. For example, when you un-segment Rodolfo's example segmentation2.xlf you expect unsegmented.xlf. So in summary: - <segment> to store the segment (and some of those may be non-translatable) - <some-element-name> (<ignorable> was just fine for me) to store the parts outside the segments. Both at the same level, under <unit>. -ys

  • 3.  RE: [xliff] Updated schema for XLIFF 2.0 plus examples

    Posted 04-20-2011 19:37
    Hi Yves, We certainly need to differentiate between segments that should remain untranslatable, like a segment containing a product name, and something that is untranslatable because it's just structural content. We have two options: 1) Add a new attribute to <segment> to indicate it is untranslatable because it is structural, so we don't abuse of the proposed "translate" attribute. 2) Add an element with the same structure as <segment> as a possible child of <unit>. As you said, <ignorable> would be a fine name. Either approach is fine for me. Other opinions? Regards, Rodolfo -- Rodolfo M. Raya <rmraya@maxprograms.com> Maxprograms http://www.maxprograms.com >

  • 4.  RE: [xliff] Updated schema for XLIFF 2.0 plus examples

    Posted 04-20-2011 20:07
    I like 2) better. Echo the opinion of Yves that <ignorable> would be better than overloading the <segment> element with both untranslatable content (appropriate, in my opinion) and structural (inappropriate, in my opinion).

    - Bryan

  • 5.  RE: [xliff] Updated schema for XLIFF 2.0 plus examples

    Posted 04-20-2011 20:43
    Please find attached another Schema update with the following changes: - Introduced <ignorable> as a child of <unit> - Introduced <notes> as container for <simpleNote> Regards, Rodolfo -- Rodolfo M. Raya <rmraya@maxprograms.com> Maxprograms http://www.maxprograms.com >

  • 6.  RE: [xliff] Updated schema for XLIFF 2.0 plus examples

    Posted 04-21-2011 04:22
    > Please find attached another Schema update with the following changes: > - Introduced <ignorable> as a child of <unit> > - Introduced <notes> as container for <simpleNote> I've updated the latest snapshot of Rainbow to generate XLIFF 2.0 files based on the latest schema Rodolfo posted. http://okapi.opentag.com/snapshots cheers, -ys