OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

  • 1.  Profile updates for 3.0

    Posted 11-18-2007 13:54
    I have updated all the 2.0 profiles to 3.0, except the RBAC profile 
    which I haven’t got to yet. (BTW, some of the profiles have not been 
    assigned editors yet by the TC, but I hope nobody minds me fixing them.) 
    And I haven’t touched the SAML profile, which Anne pretty much finished 
    before she left.
    I have not yet converted them to the new OASIS template since I wanted 
    to make diffs with the technical changes first. Also, I have not changed 
    references, layout and other details. I will do that when I convert them 
    to the new template since I need to redo all bookmarks anyway then. The 
    following summarizes the changes:
    - Hierarchical -
    I have updated the identifiers used to identify the profile 
    functionality to ”3.0”, but I have kept attribute identifiers and 
    datatypes as they are since there mostly is no need to change their 
    One exception is the xpath-expression data type. Its definition refers 
    to the