Erwin Tenhumberg a écrit :
> Dear TC members,
> Since we did not have a call today, I think we at least should
> follow-up via email on a few things:
> 1) Since I haven't been able to join quite a few of the recent
> conference calls due to various ODF presentations, etc., have
> we agreed on any specific deliverables that need to be tracked
> and that might not be on my radar?
> 2) Considering that more and more tools for ODF and ODF
> implementations are under development (e.g. the ODF toolkit,
> the KOffice API, the development tools, etc.)
> I think it's time to write a white paper that focuses on
> developers. I'm willing to take a first stab at it, but I'd
> like to hear your ideas what we should be covering. What
> topics, technologies or use cases need to be included?
> Who could help to write content? What existing content should
> we try to reuse, integrate or refer to?
I think we should wait a little bit till the solutions at hand
(development tools, APIs, frameworks) are actually ready. I do not know
for KDE, but the ODF Toolkit and IBM's tools are not ready at the moment...
> 3) I think the plan is to leverage the fact that many ODF folks
> will be at the Conference in Barcelona in
> September anyway for some discussions and meetings around
> ODF. Thus, who is already planning to come to Barcelona and
> what topics should we focus on? Who should be invited?
I will, of course, be there. Perhaps a panel much in the same way we
organized last year might be interesting, with ODF luminaries being
invited of course. Robert Weir, Eduardo Gutentag, Patrick Durusau, Gary
Edwards, etc... The list is fortunately long. :-)
> 4) What key events are coming up in addition to the
> Conference that we should track and prepare for? For example
> is anybody planning to go to the OASIS Standards Day organized
> by TEKOM? At what upcoming events will someone from our TC
> present about ODF?
> 5) What key ODF milestones are coming up that we proactively
> should try to promote (e.g. ODF 1.2)?
The 1.2 should really be explained to the public, and also in the light
of a comparision with MS OOXML.
> 6) What ISV's and open source projects should we proactively
> contact in order to encourage them to support ODF?
Erwin, I've contacted these people but apparently somebody here knows
them already:
They told me they think hard about ODF but perhaps we could let them
think about ODF a little harder? ;-)
> I guess that't it for now, but feel free to add to the list
> if I missed something important!
> Best regards,
> Erwin
Charles-H. Schulz,
Associé / Associate
Ars Aperta.