OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

[ebxml-msg] Compression/Performance Roundup

  • 1.  [ebxml-msg] Compression/Performance Roundup

    Posted 01-31-2003 12:56
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: [ebxml-msg] Compression/Performance Roundup

    During the last meeting, we discussed the topic of compression of ebXML 
    Messages.  The discussion branched out into a dialogue on performance 
    of message transmission and processing.
     From that dialogue, I've compiled a summary of the issues that we need 
    to discuss for version 3.0.  These issues are really just talking 
    points for the general topic of performance, which a v3 implementation 
    of nearly anything has to take into account.
    - Compression algorithms for use with MIME "Transfer Encoding".
    - XML Compression
    - Compression and its relationship to encryption and digital signature.
    	- Compression before encryption allegedly provides more throughput at 
    the expense of CPU.  Do we spec comp-before-enc, or investigate S/MIME?
    - Specification of performance measures for both SMTP and HTTP.
    - Review of current "profile" section in the spec with an eye toward 
    integrating performance considerations into various profiles, e.g.
    If I missed anything, please add to this.

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