OASIS Emergency Management TC

Proposed agenda items for our next TM TC meeting 3-15-14

  • 1.  Proposed agenda items for our next TM TC meeting 3-15-14

    Posted 03-17-2014 18:42
    I have the following items I'd like to propose for discussion at our next EM-TC meeting: Item 1. Approval of TEC Client Registry Exchange v 1.0 specification: last_known_address element: The current EM-TEC Client Registry Exchange spec already supports the ability for automated tools to be able to input the last known location of a client in WGS84 coordinates. To make this clearer, updated the language of the last_known_location field, as follows (changed to the original text in bold): l ast_known_location (Unicode string, optional): A free-form description of the last known location of the person , which can be expressed as geographical coordinates . To specify geographic coordinates in this field, give the latitude in decimal degrees (positive for north), then a comma, then the longitude in decimal degrees (positive for east) . If this field is present, the text field of this note (the next field listed below) should describe HOW the person's location was determined . text (Unicode string, required): Free-form text description of the person's current condition, situation and location details, where they were last seen, corrections to other information, and so on. In entry forms, a multi-line text box is appropriate for this field.  Item 2. Discussion of the following issues on the JIRA CAP 1.3/2.0 Issues List (listed under the  EDXL CAP project -- we borrowed the CAP AU project, so these have "CAP-AU" as the abbreviated title). Note that we ask all members to send written comments on this issue to the list to  emergency@lists.oasis-open.org (you can reply response to this email). These comments will be copied to JIRA, which will collect all comments prior to a final vote on an issue by the TC.    CAPAU-3 Process to approve ASN format  CAPAU-2 alert.info.instruction size restriction  CAPAU-1 alert.info.event size restriction  CAPAU-4 alert.info.headline/description change from optional to required Thanks, Tony Mancuso