Correction: Notes from Jan 28 were corrected and approved during the Feb 11 meeting. Today we will review the notes from the Feb 11 meeting as the Feb 25 meeting was cancelled. Elysa Jones iPhone On Mar 11, 2014, at 6:34 AM, Elysa Jones < > wrote: Friends, Please join for our meeting today at noon ET where the following agenda is proposed. Please let me know if you have other issues that need to be addressed. 1. Attendance 2. Meeting notes from Jan 28 3. Notes from the chair: a. EIC meeting overview b. Update regarding ISE (Standards Coordinating Council, WIS3, OMG) c. Update from the IAEM Standards and Practices Committee d. EI Member Section meeting 3/14 - topics? e. CAP Workshop update 4. ITU Liaison Statement 5. Tracking of Emergency Patients (TEC) registry vote to advance 6. Other SC reports a. CAP - Tony (Quick look at SC issues list to determine next steps) b. HAVE - Darrell c. TEP - Elysa/Tim d. RIM - Rex/Jeff e. Msg/Not (StiRep) - Brian 7. Other business a. Adoption TC update - Camille/Rex b. Upcoming conferences c. Your topics? 8. Adjourn See you on the call! Cheers, Elysa Jones, Chair OASIS EM-TC