CTI Interoperability Subcommittee

Jan Plugfest Update and ongoing plan...

  • 1.  Jan Plugfest Update and ongoing plan...

    Posted 11-09-2018 18:00

    Many organizations have expressed an interest to participate in STIX/TAXII plugfests. Thank you to everyone working to get your organizations involved.
    The CTI TC Co-Chairs have taken the decision to
    reschedule the Jan Plugfest that was being planned for Jan to later in the year.

    We made this decision based on numerous factors including the lack of sufficient participants; lack of common versions to test and lack of significant new features to test over previous plugfests.
    The Jan F2F is STILL ON . Further sign-up information for the F2F will be distributed soon.
    Going forward we decided that it would facilitate plugfest planning easier if we had a rolling sign-up sheet for plugfest participation that organizations could register their interest in participation easily
    and match it to a particular plugfest throughout the year.
    With that in mind we ve created the following signup sheet.
    For all plugfest participants going forward please add your information to this document. The organizations that have sent me your information for Jan PLugfest please add your details to this sign-up sheet.
    The instructions on what to fill in, and where are in the document.
    Any questions please let me know.