I seem to be missing something. The end of a conversation is controlled by persistDuration, isn't it? I think the ConversationId is held in persistent store with the MessageId (at least in the case of MessageOrdering). Along with, or in, the MessageId record, there must be a persistDuration field. When the last message in that conversation is deleted from the persistent store (persistDuration has passed), wouldn't the ConversationId automatically go with it? If there are still messages waiting because they are out of order, would they not also be deleted when persistDuration expires? If you are concerned with messages going away too quickly, then make persistDuration long. There is nothing forbidding another later message to be sent with the original ConversationId but the message order would not be of concern since all the previous messages have expired anyway. Or, are you saying ConversationId is held somewhere else? Regards, David Fischer Drummond Group.