OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

RE: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R602]

  • 1.  RE: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R602]

    Posted 05-06-2002 08:45
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    Subject: RE: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R602]

    While I do think we need to think about how a Consumer can provide enough
    information that a Producer could embed action invocations and the like in
    binary formats, I think the last sentence needs to be a SHOULD NOT rather
    than a MUST NOT as it may not turn out to be feasible once we consider this
    for a multi-tiered chain of Producers and Consumer.
                          Eilon Reshef                                                                                
                          <eilon.reshef@webc        To:       "'Alan Kropp'" <akropp@epicentric.com>,                 
                          ollage.com>                wsia@lists.oasis-open.org                                        
                          05/06/2002 01:06          Subject:  RE: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R602]                     
    I'll put my 1.5 cents into this discussion, even though I didn't originally
    put my name for it :-)
    I think that it more than makes sense that we shouldn't ask the Consumer to
    parse and modify Flash content, Java applets, or any other binary format.
    The question in my mind (regarding the actual intent of this requirement)
    is: should the WSIA protocol *permit* some sequence of calls in which a
    WSIA Web Service that contains Flash/Java/ActiveX with links or forms would
    still work, even though it has user interaction, and even though "smart
    look-and-feel customization" (whatever this is) will not be offered.
    This point - although seemingly minor - may have significant implications
    on the actual protocol with regards to action routing.
    If we do decide that binary formats should be supported even at a basic
    level, then (at least according to my possibly limited understanding) this
    means that we must provide at least some way (not necessarily the
    "mainstream" way) for the Consumer to provide enough information to the
    Producer (who serves the binary data) so that the binary content is served
    in such a way in which all the actions are routed correctly to the
    Consumer. This means that the Producer has to take care of it, but it would
    make it doable.
    We at WebCollage have encountered some cases where people used Flash for
    parts of their applications, so it made sense for us to consider it.
    However, we need to decide whether this is something that the WSIA
    committee as a whole cares about.