Hello UBL TC, We now have a complete PRD2 release candidate:
http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/42317/UBL-2.1-PRD2-20110526.zip As we decided in yesterday's phone meeting, we're ready to vote this out and submit it to OASIS for our second public review. We didn't vote to approve this particular build because we hadn't received the ASN.1 material yet. It is understood that this public review cycle is intended to get some quick input from our stakeholders before finishing up in PRD3. For this reason, we decided earlier that PRD2 would undergo the minimum 15-day review allowed under the OASIS TC process for public reviews following PRD1. I expect that we will give PRD3 the full 30-day treatment. Because this is a snapshot, it's going out with a number of already identified issues. We also anticipate the addition of two new document types in PRD3, as noted in the hub document. (If anyone finds further issues with the package above, short of something that would actually prevent it from being tested, please submit them as PRD3 issues to avoid confusion.) The URLs for this package will be assigned by OASIS staff, so the ones now given at the top of the document are probably not exactly what will appear in the release to be circulated by OASIS for public review. And of course they will not resolve yet. As usual, the resolution below licenses both OASIS and your humble editors to make nonsubstantive editorial changes as needed to make the document suitable for OASIS publication. We could vote on this by default letter ballot, as we often have in the past, but this time around it will (I think) be quicker to vote on it directly. Our current voting members (now, and going into next week's F2F in Stockholm) are: Jon Bosak (chair) Tony Coates G. Ken Holman Tim McGrath (vice chair) Andy Schoka I believe that all of us are intending to be present (in person or on the phone) at the opening plenary Monday, which begins at 2:15 local time in Stockholm, i.e.:
http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=5&day=30&year=2011&hour=12&min=15&sec=0 Unless a meaningful proportion of the current voting members tell us that they won't be calling in to the Monday plenary, therefore, I'm going to recommend that we simply add the resolution below to the agenda for that meeting. Jon ======================================================================== RESOLVED to approve for 15-day public review the UBL 2.1 draft currently located at
http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/42317/UBL-2.1-PRD2-20110526.zip and to authorize the Editors to make last-minute minor nonsubstantive editorial changes and such other changes as may be required by OASIS administration to prepare the draft for public review.