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Re: [office] chart:axis-type="date"

  • 1.  Re: [office] chart:axis-type="date"

    Posted 10-14-2017 14:51
    Hi, If we need to allow for special (i.e. irregular) grid or tick placements, I think we we need to add to the suite of chart:interval-major attributes. In we had a chart:axis-type= date kind of axis we would need to define the interaction with these attributes anyway. Even in the presence of chart:axis-type= date we would need additional tick placement attributes since one can as well argue for ticks at the mid-month position as at the first of the month position. Andreas On 17-10-14 07:09 AM, Regina Henschel wrote: Hi Andreas, shouldn't this go to office@lists.oasis-open.org ? An essential additional feature of a date -scale is, that it allows a major grid in month, so that each grid line can be on the 1st of the month, independent of the length of the month. Thereby still each month has its own amount of days. Kind regards Regina Andreas J. Guelzow schrieb: Hi, I think I finally understand the problem chart:axis-type= date is suppsed to address: Some charts, for example the chart:bar class, have an axis that is predefined to be either a categories axis (i.e. category labels are evenly spaced and the corresponding values are shown at these evenly spaced locations) or a value axis (i.e. values are shown at their relative locations). For example for a barchart with x-values that are dates (years ), e.g. 1950,1980, 2000, 2010, with a category type axis the 4 bars would be evenly spaced as if at values 1,2,3,4 with these points on the x axis labelled 1950,1980, 2000, 2010. If we had the same chart type but with a value type x-axis the bars would not be evenly spaced since the difference between 1950 and 1980 will be three times as large as the difference between 2000 and 2010. I believe Regina's suggestion is to obtain the second chart by labelling flagging the second axis as chart:axis-type= date . To me all of this has nothing to do with dates. These values 1950,1980, 2000, 2010 simply differ from other categories like a,b,3,d that they are all numbers and so can be interpreted as relative locations on the x-axis. So since there is nothing special about dates being involved (except that apparently Excel allows the second type of chart only for date values) I believe we should not make this date specific, but simply flag axis with their type (if it differs from their default type), e.g. chart:axis-type= values or chart:axis-type= categories or chart:axis-type= value-preference where the last type means that if all values/categories given are numbers then the axis behaves like a value axes (placing items in their relative position) and like a categories axis otherwise. Andreas -- Andreas J. Guelzow, PhD FTICA <mailto:andreas.guelzow@concordia.ab.ca> Registrar & Director of Enrolment Services Professor of Mathematical & Computing Sciences Direct: +1 780 479 9290 Toll-Free: +1 866 479 5200 Concordia University of Edmonton <http://concordia.ab.ca/> concordia.ab.ca <http://concordia.ab.ca/> Concordia University of Edmonton Twitter <http://twitter.com/CUEdmonton> Concordia University of Edmonton Instagram <http://instagram.com/cuedmonton/> Concordia University of Edmonton Facebook <http://facebook.com/CUEdmonton> -- Andreas J. Guelzow, PhD FTICA Registrar & Director of Enrolment Services Professor of Mathematical & Computing Sciences Direct: +1 780 479 9290 Toll-Free: +1 866 479 5200 concordia.ab.ca