OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

  • 1.  RE: [xliff-comment] Section 2.5.4 Validating Documents with Extensions - needs revision

    Posted 10-24-2006 16:58
    Hi Tony,

    > Bryan: would it be difficult or too time
    > consuming to make the change as
    > Doug describes?

    This would not be too difficult. But given the fact that I'm on West
    Coast US time, and that I will need to work it into my schedule today, I
    cannot promise that I would get it done in time for you to roll it into
    a 1.2 spec package, and send it out in time for most of our TC to review
    it today (i.e., most of our group would *hopefully* be relaxing at home
    by the time it gets to be afternoon here in Oregon).

    I will work on this today and get it to you as soon as I can. If you'd
    rather not wait, and feel you should send out the final revision without
    my sample schema, that's completely understandable, and supported by me.



  • 2.  RE: [xliff-comment] Section 2.5.4 Validating Documents with Extensions - needs revision

    Posted 10-24-2006 20:16
    Hi Bryan: 
    If it's not complicated then I think it's worth waiting an extra few hours.
    If you can send it out by your end of day today I will roll it into a spec
    package tomorrow morning and put together a ballot for it immediately.
    Thanks for your work on this.

  • 3.  RE: [xliff-comment] Section 2.5.4 Validating Documents with Extensions - needs revision

    Posted 10-24-2006 22:40
      |   view attached


    XLIFF_validation.zip   15 KB 1 version

  • 4.  RE: [xliff-comment] Section 2.5.4 Validating Documents with Extensions - needs revision

    Posted 10-25-2006 14:10
    Bryan, et al.,
    After analysis, I now recommend processContents="strict" for the strict
    schema. All modified files are attached.
                            strict         lax w/ xsd      lax w/o xsd
                        valid  invalid    valid  invalid    valid
    StylusStudio 2006  correct correct   correct valid     correct
    MSXML 4 DOM        correct correct   correct valid     correct
    MSXML 6 DOM        correct correct   correct valid     correct
    Saxonica 8.7       correct correct   correct valid     correct
    .NET XML           correct correct   correct correct   error
    Xerces-J 2.5.1     correct correct   correct valid     correct
    XSV 2.10-1         correct correct   correct valid     error†
    † if URI returns error 404					
    As you can see, "lax" for most of the parsers is the same as "skip" and
    therefore useless except in .NET parser, which acts like "strict".
    The most help comes from using "strict" and providing the schema.
    The change is to add the tek schema to documents that use the tek:

  • 5.  RE: [xliff-comment] Section 2.5.4 Validating Documents with Extensions - needs revision

    Posted 10-25-2006 15:14
    Hi Doug: 
    I didn't get the attachment - was it omitted?

  • 6.  RE: [xliff-comment] Section 2.5.4 Validating Documents with Extensions - needs revision

    Posted 10-25-2006 16:09
      |   view attached


    strict20061025.zip   19 KB 1 version