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Proposal for enhanced crossing-out an tab-stops

  • 1.  Proposal for enhanced crossing-out an tab-stops

    Posted 08-22-2003 08:18
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    office message

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    Subject: Proposal for enhanced crossing-out an tab-stops

    following is a proposal for enhanced crossing-out and tab-stop 
    specifications based on David's proposal (see 
    First of all, I assume that we use the same attributes that we agree for 
    underlining, except that they will be called text-line-through-*.
    To be able to cross-out (or line-through, to adopt the CSS3 name) with 
    characters rather than lines, I'd like to propose two new attributes
    style:text-line-through-text = "<string>"
    style:text-line-through-text-style = "<style-name>"
    The style:text-line-through-text is evaluated only if the value of 
    style:text-line-through-style is different than "none". If the attribute 
    value is not empty, the string should be used for line-through instead 
    of the line that has been specified, provided that the application 
    supports line-through with text. If the application does not support 
    line-through with text, the attribute is ignored, this means, 
    text-line-through-style will be evaluated only.
    As an alternative, a value "text" might be added to the 
    style:text-line-through-style that specified that text should be used 
    for line-through. Applications that do not support this value, should 
    use a solid line instead.
    If the application supports line-trough with single characters only, and 
    the text-line-through-text has more than one character, the first 
    character of the line-through-text should be used only. If the 
    applications supports line-through with with certain characters only 
    (like "x" or "/"), the application should use one of these characters if 
    the text-line-through-text specifies characters that are not supported. 
    In other words: line-through with text has an higher priority than 
    line-through with lines, even if the line-through-text that is specified 
    has to be adopted to be usable by the application.
    style:text-line-through-text-style specifies a text style that is 
    applied to the text-line-through characters. It is not applied to 
    text-line-through lines. If the attribute appears in an automatic style, 
    it may reference either an automatic text style or an common style. If 
    the attribute appears in an common style, it may reference a common 
    style only.
    We might apply these extensions to text-underline as well, if we 
    consider underlining with characters to be reasonable.
    For the <style:tab-stop> element I'd like to propose to replace the 
    style:leader-char attribute with the following set of attributes:
    style:leader-type, in case we consider double lines usefull as tab
    style:leader-color, in case we consider colored lines usefull as tab
    style:leader-text-style, in case we consider attributed characters
                              useful as tab leaders
    These attributtes directly correspond to the style:text-line-trough-* 
    and style:text-underline-* attributes.
    Best regards

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