OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

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Re: [xliff] *1st DRAFT* XLIFF TC Charter Clarification

  • 1.  Re: [xliff] *1st DRAFT* XLIFF TC Charter Clarification

    Posted 10-15-2004 19:01
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    xliff message

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    Subject: Re: [xliff] *1st DRAFT* XLIFF TC Charter Clarification

    Thanks for fololowing up on this. A few suggestions:
    * The name of the TC should include "OASIS", so therefore the "OASIS XML 
    Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC"
    * The charter needs to include a Scope, Audience, and Langauge (please 
    see http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/process.php#formation for a 
    definition of these). I suspect that a lot of the text that you'll want 
    for Scope and Audience is probbaly already in th Statement of Purpose 
    section, so you'll just want to do some rearranging.
    * The List of Deliverables needs to include dates.
    * Some of the historical information could be reduced or eliminated; 
    while some background is interesting, the charter is really about what 
    the TC is doing now and in the future.
    Please inform me when the TC approves a revision.
    Tony Jewtushenko wrote:
    > Hi all:
    > <>I've taken a stab at the first draft of the Charter Clarification for 
    > the XLIFF TC.
    > We need dates assigned to the deliverables.  Anyone care to take a stab 
    > at that?
    > Let me know what you think...
    > Regards,
    > Tony
    > The charter for this TC is as follows.
    > Name
    > XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF)
    > Statement of Purpose
    > The purpose of the OASIS XLIFF TC is to define, through XML 
    > vocabularies, and promote the adoption of, an extensible specification 
    > for the interchange of localization information. To date,  the committee 
    > has published two specifications - XLIFF 1.0  and XLIFF 1.1 - that 
    > define how to mark up and capture localizable data and interoperate with 
    > different processes or phases without loss of information. The 
    > vocabularies are tool-neutral, support the localization-related aspects 
    > of internationalization and the entire localization process. The 
    > vocabularies support common software and content data formats. The 
    > specifications provide an extensibility mechanism to allow the 
    > development of tools compatible with an implementer's own proprietary 
    > data formats and workflow requirements.
    > The state of affairs in software localisation before XLIFF was that a 
    > software provider delivered their localisable resources to a 
    > localisation service provider in a number of disparate file formats. 
    > Once software providers commenced implementing XLIFF, the task of 
    > interchanging localisation data became simpler. Using proprietary and 
    > nonstandard resource formats force either the software provider or the 
    > localisation service provider to implement a costly and inefficient 
    > bespoke process for localising their content. For a software publishers 
    > with many proprietary or nonstandard formats, this requirement becomes a 
    > major hurdle when attempting to localise their software.  For software 
    > developers employing enterprise localisation tools and processes,  XLIFF 
    > defines a standard but extensible vocabulary that captures relevant 
    > metadata at any point of the lifecycle which can be exchanged between a 
    > variety of commercial and open-source tools.
    > <>The first phase,  now completed,  created a committee specification 
    > that concentrated on software UI file requirements. The next phase 
    > consists of promoting the adoption of XLIFF throughout the industry 
    > through additional collateral and specifications, continuing to advance 
    > the committee specification  towards a full  OASIS standard, 
    > contributing to the development of standard localisation directives tag 
    > library and consuming it when available, and defining and publishing an 
    > implementation guide for document based content that addresses 
    > segmentation and alignment requirements. To encourage adoption of 
    > XLIFF,  the TC will define and publish implementation guides for the 
    > most commonly used resource formats (HTML,  RTF, Window Resources, Java 
    > Resource Bundles, .NET),  and will include reference implementations of 
    > XLIFF 1.1.
    > The OASIS XLIFF TC concluded a 45 day public review from 11 Aug and 
    > ended 24 September 2003. The TC revised and then approved a Committee 
    > Specification based on the comments received,  publishing the XLIFF 1.1 
    > Committee Specification 
    > <http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/xliff/documents/cs-xliff-core-1.1-20031031.htm> 
    > and XLIFF 1.1 XSD schema 
    > <http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/xliff/documents/xliff-core-1.1.xsd>.. 
    > All public comments submitted were resolved, and a report of all public 
    > review activity 
    > <http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/4191/Review-XLIFF-1.1.html> 
    > is publicly available.
    > XLIFF is based on initial work done by the Yahoo! DataDefinition Group. 
    > That group published a white paper, a specification and a DTD, which 
    > were made public through that group's site. The XLIFF 1.0 specification 
    > was approved as Committee Specification by the XLIFF TC in April 2002.
    > XLIFF 1.0 was submitted with the following intellectual property rights 
    > statement:
    > Each of the submitting companies, referenced in section (vii), below, 
    > agrees to offer a license, on reasonable and non-discriminatory terms, 
    > to use any patent claim it owns or controls and which is necessarily 
    > infringed by use of the XLIFF format described in this submission or any 
    > Committee Specification or OASIS standard based thereon. Such a license 
    > will be for the limited purpose of implementing the XLIFF format 
    > described in this submission or in any Committee Specification or OASIS 
    > standard based thereon, and may be conditioned on the licensee's 
    > agreement to grant a reciprocal license on reasonable and 
    > non-discriminatory terms to use any patent claim it owns or controls and 
    > which is necessarily infringed by use of the XLIFF format described in 
    > this submission or in any Committee Specification or OASIS standard 
    > based thereon.
    > The archive for previous discussions can be found at the following URL:
    > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DataDefinition
    > The white paper, the specification, and the DTD and can be found at this 
    > URL:
    > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DataDefinition/files/Final
    > List of Deliverables
    >     * XLIFF 1.1 Document-based Content Implementation Guide
    >       (Segmentation & Alignment)
    >     * XLIFF 1.1 XHTML/HTML Representation Guide
    >     * XLIFF 1.1 RTF Representation Guide
    >     * XLIFF 1.1 .NET Representation Guide
    >     * XLIFF 1.1 Java Resource Bundle Representation Guide
    >     * XLIFF 1.1 Windows Resources Representation Guide
    >     * XLIFF 1.1  PO File Representation Guide
    >     * XLIFF 1.1 Reference Implementation (as Open Source?  In
    >       collaboration with Trans-WS?)
    >     * Submit XLIFF 1.1 for consideration as OASIS Standard
    >     * Review and input to development of Standard Localisation
    >       Directives Tag Library
    >     * XLIFF 1.1: Consume / Implement Standard Localisation Directives
    >       Tag Library
    > -- 
    > Tony Jewtushenko				
    > Principal Product Manager - Oracle Application Development Tools
    > Oracle Corporation, Ireland
    > mailto:tony.jewtushenko@oracle.com
    > Direct tel: +353.1.8039080	

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