OASIS Open Data Protocol (OData) TC

  • 1.  [Revision 1] Agenda for OData TC meeting 2013.09.26

    Posted 09-26-2013 00:53
    Here [1] is revision 1 to the draft agenda for the OData TC (Technical Committee) meeting scheduled on Thursday September 26, 2013 during 8-10am PT. For additional information, such as dial-in details and chat room, refer to [2]. For TC timeline, see [3]. Feel free to suggest additions or modifications.   Revision 1 changes: ·          Section 5: Added discussion item relating to Barbara’s resignation as TC co-Chair ·          Section 6: Added ODATA-528, ODATA-530, and ODATA-531, and removed some duplicates ·          Section 7: Added discussion on revised TC timeline and immediate next steps   Thanks.   [1] Agenda for 2013.09.26 OData TC meeting   1.        Roll call [8:00am PT]   2.        Approve agenda [8:05am PT]   3.        Approve minutes from previous meeting(s) [8:10am PT] a.        Minutes from September 19, 2013 TC meeting: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/50763/odata-meeting-52_on-20130919-minutes.html   4.        Review action items [Action item list: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/members/action_items.php ] [8:15am PT] a.        Action items due by Sept 26, 2013                                                                i.       None   5.        Barbara’s resignation as TC co-Chair (ref: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/odata/201309/msg00200.html ) [8:20am PT] a.        Our sincere thanks to Barbara for leading this TC and for getting us to where we are today! b.       Let’s discuss the next steps for filling the co-Chair role and the election process.   6.        Process issues [Issues list: https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&mode=hide&pid=10103 ] [8:30am PT] a.        Issues for v4.0_CS02 in New or Open state                                                                i.       OData CSDL, OData Protocol 1.        ODATA-491 : Explicitly state that key property values MUST be language-independent [Open]                                                              ii.       OData ATOM Format, OData JSON Format, OData Protocol 1.        ODATA-472 : Explicitly state how dynamic properties are represented if they are not defined on an entity [Open] 2.        ODATA-519 : Define server-driven paging for collection-valued resources                                                             iii.       OData URL Conventions 1.        ODATA-476 : Clarify that type-cast segments are NOT required for properties of derived types in system query options [Open]                                                            iv.       OData ABNF Construction Rules, OData Protocol 1.        ODATA-524 : properties in [propertyList] of context URL may be qualified with type 2.        ODATA-521 : Remove typed null literals 3.        ODATA-528 : $entity should require cast segment in order to apply $select/$expand                                                              v.       OData ABNF Construction Rules, OData URL Conventions 1.        ODATA-497 : Make type prefix and single quotes optional for URL literals of types Date, DateTimeOffset, Guid, and TimeOfDay                                                            vi.       OData ATOM Format, Vocabularies 1.        ODATA-525 : Remove Org.OData.Atom vocabulary                                                           vii.       OData ATOM Format, OData CSDL, OData JSON Format, OData Protocol 1.        ODATA-527 : Relative URLs in OData and the ability to put OData services behind an HTTP proxy                                                         viii.       OData CSDL 1.        ODATA-513 : Special handling of derived types in the dynamic _expression_ edm:Record. Why? [Open] 2.        ODATA-516 : Add super type Edm.AnyPath for Edm.PropertyPath, Edm.NavigationPropertyPath, and Edm.AnnotationPath 3.        ODATA-518 : Use NavProp@<annotation-name> to reference annotations applied to a NavProp 4.        ODATA-505 : Remove ReturnType attribute from Action and Function element 5.        ODATA-517 : Allow NavigationPropertyPath and PropertyPath expressions to end in annotations of appropriate type 6.        ODATA-481 : Annotation/Navigation/Path expressions: allow paths to continue after multi-valued navigation to e.g. drill into complex properties 7.        ODATA-500 : Require function/action overloads to differ by ordered set of parameter types                                                            ix.       OData JSON Format 1.        ODATA-520 : Instance annotations should be prefixed with "@"                                                              x.       OData Protocol 1.        ODATA-479 : Allow Content-ID referencing in request bodies for inserting links to newly created entities 2.        ODATA-480 : $batch: remove restriction "within the same change set " for Content-ID referencing 3.        ODATA-478 : Clarify format for values of Content-ID header in $batch parts [Open] 4.        ODATA-523 : How do clients construct links from the context url for complex types? 5.        ODATA-490 : Clarify Referential Constraints have UpdateRule=Cascade semantics [Open]                                                            xi.       Vocabularies 1.        ODATA-526 : Allow specifying support for cross-joins 2.        ODATA-530 : Navigable capability term should apply to entityset, not navigationproperty directly 3.        ODATA-531 : Simplify OptimisticConcurrency in Core vocabulary                                                           xii.       OData ATOM Format, OData CSDL, OData JSON Format, OData Protocol, OData URL Conventions 1.        ODATA-483 : Include all section levels in table of contents, provide anchors for all document sections                                                         xiii.       OData ATOM Format, OData JSON Format, OData Protocol, OData URL Conventions 1.        ODATA-482 : Allow inlining stream properties                                                         xiv.       OData ATOM Format, OData JSON Format, OData CSDL, OData URL Conventions 1.        ODATA-466 : Edm.Binary should be base64-encoded (as with OData V3), not base16-encoded (as per current ABNF) [Open] b.       v4.0_CS02 issues in Applied state                                                                i.       ODATA-522 : Clarify that the has operator returns null if either operand is null.                                                              ii.       ODATA-515 : Section Operator Precedence: operators use wrong capitalization in precedence table                                                             iii.       ODATA-514 : Example 44: compare Price to a number instead of a string                                                            iv.       ODATA-512 : 14.5.14: add example for specifying a value for a navigation property in a <Record> _expression_                                                              v.       ODATA-508 : Delete leftover "respectively" from 6th paragraph of [JSON] Section 5, Service Document                                                            vi.       ODATA-507 : Editorial; text appears twice in section 11.2.6 of [Protocol]                                                           vii.       ODATA-503 : Error in ABNF grammar: Edm prefix required for built-in primitive types                                                         viii.       ODATA-502 : Fix use of hash (#) for category term attribute in Atom                                                            ix.       ODATA-501 : has operator is missing from the operator precedence table                                                              x.       ODATA-498 : Error with m:type in Example 31 of Atom                                                            xi.       ODATA-496 : Adapt outdated action/function overload resolution rules in Part 1 to current rules in Part 3                                                           xii.       ODATA-493 : Capabilities vocabulary: add term for SearchRestrictions                                                         xiii.       ODATA-492 : Add example for „has" operator to section                                                         xiv.       ODATA-477 : Clarify that dynamic properties can be used in all system query options                                                          xv.       ODATA-475 : Document that the value "%" is used for annotating percentages with Measures.Unit                                                         xvi.       ODATA-473 : Harmonize description of function overload advertisement in Atom and JSON                                                       xvii.       ODATA-471 : Property names must also be a valid XML Names (NCName)                                                      xviii.       ODATA-470 : Clarify behavior of /$value requests to properties of type Edm.Binary or Edm.Geo*                                                         xix.       ODATA-468 : Define explicit concepts in ABNF for referenced sets of rules   7.        Review revised TC timeline (see [3] below) and immediate next steps [9:50am PT] a.        Oct 1 st , 2013: Do we need an additional meeting on Tuesday next week to address any remaining issues for v4.0_CS02? b.       Oct 3 rd , 2013: Approve CSD03? c.        Oct 10-24, 2013: 3 rd public review?   8.        Next meeting [9:55am PT] a.        October 3, 2013 during 8-10am PT?   9.        AOB and wrap up [9:58am PT]   [2] References ·          Conference call details: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/download.php/46401/TC%20meeting%20dial-in%20details.htm ·          Chat room: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/odatatc   [3] Timeline ·          https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/50823/TC%20Timeline%206.htm     

  • 2.  RE: [Revision 1] Agenda for OData TC meeting 2013.09.26

    Posted 09-26-2013 05:32
    I would like to add OData-532 and OData-533 to the list of topics to discuss.   Note ODATA-479, ODATA-480, ODATA-482, and ODATA-516 target ODATA 4.1, and should be moved out of the agenda for this week.   Also, the titles of ODATA-491, ODATA-476, ODATA_497, have changed to reflect updated proposals. Finally, I would propose we move ODATA-466 earlier in the agenda.   I have marked the agenda [1] below with the proposed changes.   From: odata@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:odata@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of Ram Jeyaraman (MS OPEN TECH) Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 5:53 PM To: odata@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: [odata] [Revision 1] Agenda for OData TC meeting 2013.09.26   Here [1] is revision 1 to the draft agenda for the OData TC (Technical Committee) meeting scheduled on Thursday September 26, 2013 during 8-10am PT. For additional information, such as dial-in details and chat room, refer to [2]. For TC timeline, see [3]. Feel free to suggest additions or modifications.   Revision 1 changes: ·         Section 5: Added discussion item relating to Barbara’s resignation as TC co-Chair ·         Section 6: Added ODATA-528, ODATA-530, and ODATA-531, and removed some duplicates ·         Section 7: Added discussion on revised TC timeline and immediate next steps   Thanks.   [1] Agenda for 2013.09.26 OData TC meeting   1.       Roll call [8:00am PT]   2.       Approve agenda [8:05am PT]   3.       Approve minutes from previous meeting(s) [8:10am PT] a.       Minutes from September 19, 2013 TC meeting: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/50763/odata-meeting-52_on-20130919-minutes.html   4.       Review action items [Action item list: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/members/action_items.php ] [8:15am PT] a.       Action items due by Sept 26, 2013                                                     i.      None   5.       Barbara’s resignation as TC co-Chair (ref: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/odata/201309/msg00200.html ) [8:20am PT] a.       Our sincere thanks to Barbara for leading this TC and for getting us to where we are today! b.       Let’s discuss the next steps for filling the co-Chair role and the election process.   6.       Process issues [Issues list: https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&mode=hide&pid=10103 ] [8:30am PT] a.       Issues for v4.0_CS02 in New or Open state                                                     i.      OData CSDL, OData Protocol 1.       ODATA-491 : Language-dependency of key property values [Open]                                                    ii.      OData ATOM Format, OData JSON Format, OData Protocol 1.       ODATA-472 : Explicitly state how dynamic properties are represented if they are not defined on an entity [Open] 2.       ODATA-519 : Define server-driven paging for collection-valued resources                                                   iii.      OData URL Conventions 1.       ODATA-476 : Clarify that type-cast segments are required for properties of derived types in system query options [Open]                                                   iv.      OData ABNF Construction Rules, OData Protocol 1.       ODATA-524 : properties in [propertyList] of context URL may be qualified with type 2.       ODATA-521 : Remove typed null literals 3.       ODATA-528 : $entity should require cast segment in order to apply $select/$expand                                                    v.      OData ABNF Construction Rules, OData URL Conventions 1.       ODATA-497 : Remove type prefix and single quotes for URL literals of types Date, DateTimeOffset, Guid, and TimeOfDay                                                   vi.      OData ATOM Format, Vocabularies 1.       ODATA-525 : Remove Org.OData.Atom vocabulary                                                 vii.      OData ATOM Format, OData CSDL, OData JSON Format, OData Protocol 1.       ODATA-527 : Relative URLs in OData and the ability to put OData services behind an HTTP proxy 2.       ODATA-532 : Clarify whether collections can contain null values                                                viii.      OData CSDL 1.       ODATA-513 : Special handling of derived types in the dynamic _expression_ edm:Record. Why? [Open] 2.       ODATA-516 : Add super type Edm.AnyPath for Edm.PropertyPath, Edm.NavigationPropertyPath, and Edm.AnnotationPath 3.       ODATA-518 : Use NavProp@<annotation-name> to reference annotations applied to a NavProp 4.       ODATA-505 : Remove ReturnType attribute from Action and Function element 5.       ODATA-517 : Allow NavigationPropertyPath and PropertyPath expressions to end in annotations of appropriate type 6.       ODATA-481 : Annotation/Navigation/Path expressions: allow paths to continue after multi-valued navigation to e.g. drill into complex properties 7.       ODATA-500 : Require function/action overloads to differ by ordered set of parameter types 8.       ODATA-533 : Restrict key property aliases to key properties nested in complex properties                                                   ix.      OData JSON Format 1.       ODATA-520 : Instance annotations should be prefixed with "@"                                                    x.      OData Protocol 1.       ODATA-479 : Allow Content-ID referencing in request bodies for inserting links to newly created entities 2.       ODATA-480 : $batch: remove restriction "within the same change set " for Content-ID referencing 3.       ODATA-478 : Clarify format for values of Content-ID header in $batch parts [Open] 4.       ODATA-523 : How do clients construct links from the context url for complex types? 5.       ODATA-490 : Clarify Referential Constraints have UpdateRule=Cascade semantics [Open]                                                   xi.      OData ATOM Format, OData JSON Format, OData CSDL, OData URL Conventions 1.       ODATA-466 : Edm.Binary should be base64-encoded (as with OData V3), not base16-encoded (as per current ABNF) [Open]                                                 xii.      Vocabularies 1.       ODATA-526 : Allow specifying support for cross-joins 2.       ODATA-530 : Navigable capability term should apply to entityset, not navigationproperty directly 3.       ODATA-531 : Simplify OptimisticConcurrency in Core vocabulary                                                xiii.      OData ATOM Format, OData CSDL, OData JSON Format, OData Protocol, OData URL Conventions 1.       ODATA-483 : Include all section levels in table of contents, provide anchors for all document sections                                                xiv.      OData ATOM Format, OData JSON Format, OData Protocol, OData URL Conventions 1.       ODATA-482 : Allow inlining stream properties b.       v4.0_CS02 issues in Applied state                                                     i.      ODATA-522 : Clarify that the has operator returns null if either operand is null.                                                    ii.      ODATA-515 : Section Operator Precedence: operators use wrong capitalization in precedence table                                                   iii.      ODATA-514 : Example 44: compare Price to a number instead of a string                                                   iv.      ODATA-512 : 14.5.14: add example for specifying a value for a navigation property in a <Record> _expression_                                                    v.      ODATA-508 : Delete leftover "respectively" from 6th paragraph of [JSON] Section 5, Service Document                                                   vi.      ODATA-507 : Editorial; text appears twice in section 11.2.6 of [Protocol]                                                 vii.      ODATA-503 : Error in ABNF grammar: Edm prefix required for built-in primitive types                                                viii.      ODATA-502 : Fix use of hash (#) for category term attribute in Atom                                                   ix.      ODATA-501 : has operator is missing from the operator precedence table                                                    x.      ODATA-498 : Error with m:type in Example 31 of Atom                                                   xi.      ODATA-496 : Adapt outdated action/function overload resolution rules in Part 1 to current rules in Part 3                                                 xii.      ODATA-493 : Capabilities vocabulary: add term for SearchRestrictions                                                xiii.      ODATA-492 : Add example for „has" operator to section                                                xiv.      ODATA-477 : Clarify that dynamic properties can be used in all system query options                                                 xv.      ODATA-475 : Document that the value "%" is used for annotating percentages with Measures.Unit                                                xvi.      ODATA-473 : Harmonize description of function overload advertisement in Atom and JSON                                               xvii.      ODATA-471 : Property names must also be a valid XML Names (NCName)                                             xviii.      ODATA-470 : Clarify behavior of /$value requests to properties of type Edm.Binary or Edm.Geo*                                                xix.      ODATA-468 : Define explicit concepts in ABNF for referenced sets of rules   7.       Review revised TC timeline (see [3] below) and immediate next steps [9:50am PT] a.       Oct 1 st , 2013: Do we need an additional meeting on Tuesday next week to address any remaining issues for v4.0_CS02? b.       Oct 3 rd , 2013: Approve CSD03? c.       Oct 10-24, 2013: 3 rd public review?   8.       Next meeting [9:55am PT] a.       October 3, 2013 during 8-10am PT?   9.       AOB and wrap up [9:58am PT]   [2] References ·         Conference call details: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/download.php/46401/TC%20meeting%20dial-in%20details.htm ·         Chat room: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/odatatc   [3] Timeline ·         https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/50823/TC%20Timeline%206.htm