Thanks Patrick,
Hopefully both you and Brett already know that this issue has been
investigated, explained and put to rest, at least as concerns
EDXL-HAVE. It and others are included and the mixup was a clerical
At 2:26 PM -0500 2/26/09, Patrick Gannon wrote:
>Brett Trusko is the OASIS rep on the HITSP Board. I forwarded your email to
>him to look into.
>He will check in on it, but it may be next week before he can report back as
>he is leaving today on vacation.
>Patrick Gannon
>President & COO
>Warning Systems, Inc.
>+1 256 880 8702 x104 (office)
>+1 256 468 4055 (mobile)
>+1 978 458 7478 (home-office)
Original Message-----
>> From: Patrick Gannon []
>> Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 2:23 PM
>> To:
>> Cc:;
>> Subject: FW: [emergency] HITSP Dropping EDXL-HAVE? Fwd: [regrep] HHS
>> and ebXML / ISO15000
>> Importance: High
>> Brett,
>> Are you aware of this issue regarding the EDXL-HAVE OASIS Standard
>> being dropped from the HITSP Interoperability Specification?
>> There is also reference to other OASIS work (ebXML RIM) being dropped
>> also. Can you advise the EM TC on the facts surrounding this action,
>> and or clarify if it is factual?
>> Best regards,
>> Patrick Gannon
>> President & COO
>> Warning Systems, Inc.
>> +1 256 880 8702 x104 (office)
>> +1 256 468 4055 (mobile)
>> +1 978 458 7478 (home-office)
>> >