OASIS Emergency Management TC

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FW: [emergency] HITSP Dropping EDXL-HAVE? Fwd: [regrep] HHS and ebXML / ISO15000

  • 1.  FW: [emergency] HITSP Dropping EDXL-HAVE? Fwd: [regrep] HHS and ebXML / ISO15000

    Posted 02-26-2009 19:26
    Brett Trusko is the OASIS rep on the HITSP Board.  I forwarded your email to
    him to look into.
    He will check in on it, but it may be next week before he can report back as
    he is leaving today on vacation.
    Patrick Gannon
    President & COO
    Warning Systems, Inc.
    +1 256 880 8702 x104  (office)
    +1 256 468 4055  (mobile)
    +1 978 458 7478  (home-office)

  • 2.  Re: FW: [emergency] HITSP Dropping EDXL-HAVE? Fwd: [regrep] HHSand ebXML / ISO15000

    Posted 02-26-2009 20:08
    Thanks Patrick,
    Hopefully both you and Brett already know that this issue has been 
    investigated, explained and put to rest, at least as concerns 
    EDXL-HAVE. It and others are included and the mixup was a clerical 
    At 2:26 PM -0500 2/26/09, Patrick Gannon wrote:
    >Brett Trusko is the OASIS rep on the HITSP Board.  I forwarded your email to
    >him to look into.
    >He will check in on it, but it may be next week before he can report back as
    >he is leaving today on vacation.
    >Patrick Gannon
    >President & COO
    >Warning Systems, Inc.
    >+1 256 880 8702 x104  (office)
    >+1 256 468 4055  (mobile)
    >+1 978 458 7478  (home-office)