OASIS Emergency Management TC

Re: [emergency-comment] PPW letter re CAP

  • 1.  Re: [emergency-comment] PPW letter re CAP

    Posted 10-09-2003 23:52
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    Subject: Re: [emergency-comment] PPW letter re CAP

    Hello all - I had an excellent discussion with Ken Allen at PPW about
    this letter and the issue at hand. He told me more about their
    organization, while I talked through how OASIS, a TC, and an SC works. 
    I will be drafting an official reply to PPW covering what we talked
    about, which will be circulated to this group before it is sent. But I
    can say that during the call we went over the email sent to the group
    and he understood and respected the position and state of where we are
    with CAP, and what the core issues were.
    He had some unqualified thoughts on the urgency of the issue to address
    inline binaries, so we did talk about having some of their technical
    members as guests on one of our calls (or vice versa) to help us better
    understand their needs. We also talked about how to get more
    participation from their members, so that their industry could be more
    appropriately reflected in terms of the number of minds working on this
    issue. He realized that at the end of the day, this is what will
    ultimately determine just how effective our work will be in their area.
    It was a good call, and I will circulate the letter as soon as I can -
    On Wed, 2003-10-08 at 21:27, R. Allen Wyke wrote:
    > Just a heads up to the TC that I am going to be chatting with OASIS
    > about this. I just want to confirm the proper process of replying to,
    > for lack of a better phrase, an external comment coming from an internal
    > party. Once I have that chat, I will draft a reply to circulate to the
    > group for approval. In the meantime I will give Craig a call to try and
    > understand why their perspective is that this is the only way to achieve
    > their goal.
    > Allen
    > On Wed, 2003-10-08 at 13:46, Art Botterell wrote:
    > > The attached is a letter from Craig Fugate, Chairman of the Board of 
    > > Trustees of the Partnership for Public Warning.
    > > 
    > > ______________________________________________________________________
    > > 
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    R. Allen Wyke
    Chair, Emergency Management TC

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