Want to get this on the agenda for discussion so we can vote next week: Proposed name: Lightweight DITA Proposed mailing list:
dita-light@lists.oasis-open.org Statement of purpose: To develop a specification for a lightweight DITA architecture that can ease implementation by vendors and adoption by users. The architecture will provide: - Easy out of the box authoring for common topic types - Out of the box mappings and specifications for authoring these topic types in other formats, such as HTML5 or markdown - Easy assembly of new specializations from existing section types - Easy creation of new specializations by generation from a topic type designed for specifying specializations Deliverables - Analysis of lightweight DITA related personas, scenarios, and requirements - Lightweight authoring profiles for topic, concept, task, reference, potentially others - Lightweight specialization architecture - Specialization authoring format - Analysis of lightweight DITA implementation options in other formats, including HTML5 and markdown - Implementations of lightweight DITA that allow for roundtripping with constrained versions of other formats Michael Priestley, Senior Technical Staff Member (STSM) Total Information Experience (TIE) Technology Strategist
mpriestl@ca.ibm.com http://dita.xml.org/blog/25