OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

  • 1.  CSMA Back-Off Algorithm

    Posted 06-17-2004 14:09
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: CSMA Back-Off Algorithm

    On the topic of improving our retry algorithm, I think a variant of the
    Back-Off algorithm used in Carrier Sense Multiple Access may be suitable.
    Me may want to specify a "reset interval", so that the delay does not built
    up to such a high number that the message is never transmitted after an
    extended loss of connectivity.
    "Each sender will delay after a collision before attempting to retransmit.
    If they will delay for the same time, another collision will occur. That�s
    why each sender chooses a random delay between 0 and d (d is some standard
    delay value). If, nevertheless, another collision occurs, each computer
    doubles the range from which the delay is chosen,� that means, the random
    delay will now be between 0 and 2d. If another collision occurs the range
    will be between 0 and 4d and so on� After each collision the range of the
    random delay increases exponentially, therefore the probability of collision
    rapidly decreases and after few iterations becomes negligible."
    Matthew MacKenzie
    Senior Architect
    IDBU Server Solutions
    Adobe Systems Canada Inc.
    +1 (506) 871.5409

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