OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

Re: [office-comment] Whitespace again (ODF all version)

  • 1.  Re: [office-comment] Whitespace again (ODF all version)

    Posted 02-23-2009 13:18
    Hi Alex,
    On 23.02.09 09:54, Alex Brown wrote:
    > Dear all,
    > 1.5 has:
    > ---------begin extract
    > "In conformance with the W3C XML specification [XML1.0], optional white-space characters that are contained in elements that have element content are ignored. This applies to the following white-space and end-of-line (EOL) [UNICODE] characters:
    > LINE FEED (0x000A)
    > CARRIAGE RETURN (0x000D)
    > SPACE (0x0020)
    > For any other element, white-spaces are preserved by default. Unless otherwise stated, there is no special processing for any of the four white-space characters."
    > ---------end extract
    > * How is the behaviour in the first sentence in conformance with XML 1.0? "optional whitespace" is only mentioned there in relation to (DTD) validity. I think this phrase should be removed.
    > * Consider this fragment:
    > Since the