OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  EM-TC Meeting today noon ET

    Posted 11-10-2009 13:24
    We will have our regularly scheduled meeting of the EM-TC today at 
    noon.  Be sure to take a few minutes to read over the "Welcome to the 
    RIM paper" written by Jeff Waters.  It can be found at 
    It is a very well done introduction to the concepts around emergency 
    information exchange.  An easy but informative read.  We will vote on 
    it today in our meeting.
    The IF-SC meeting is scheduled to meet the half hour before and 
    Msg/Not-SC for an hour following the EM-TC meeting.
    Elysa Jones, Chair
    CTO Warning Systems, Inc.

  • 2.  Re: [emergency] EM-TC Meeting today noon ET

    Posted 11-10-2009 15:39
    The GIS-GEO Subcommittee met by teleconference last Friday (I was in an
    airport) and discussed the OASIS GML where profile requirements document.
    I have not had time to write any meeting notes.
    There was unanimous agreement and a recommendation by the SC to move the
    document to Committee Draft status. What is the process to do this?
    > Friends,
    > We will have our regularly scheduled meeting of the EM-TC today at
    > noon.  Be sure to take a few minutes to read over the "Welcome to the
    > RIM paper" written by Jeff Waters.  It can be found at
    > http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/34269/EDXL-Welcome-to-the-RIM-WhitePaper-17Sep09-r1.doc.
    > It is a very well done introduction to the concepts around emergency
    > information exchange.  An easy but informative read.  We will vote on
    > it today in our meeting.
    > The IF-SC meeting is scheduled to meet the half hour before and
    > Msg/Not-SC for an hour following the EM-TC meeting.
    > Regards,
    > Elysa Jones, Chair
    > CTO Warning Systems, Inc.
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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