OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  More CAP News!

    Posted 07-19-2007 16:16
    I wanted to make certain that everyone saw Robin Cover's article below. This
    is another great time to request that you and/or your organization join the
    Emergency Interoperability Member Section,
    Your organization can affiliate by becoming a Supporting Entity to help fund
    the many initiatives going forward. This means that you can direct OASIS to
    allocate a percentage of your dues to go directly to the EI MS, this will
    not increase your annual dues; it simply affects distribution of your dues.
    Please ask your OASIS primary rep to send an email to
    (member-services@oasis-open.org) requesting affiliation with the EI Member
    Your company/org. will be listed as a supporter on the EI Member Section web
    pages; you will also gain voting rights in determining the MS Steering
    Committee and other governance matters as described in the Rules of
    Please contact me with any questions or concerns!
    Best regards,
    Dee Schur
    XML Daily Newslink. Wednesday, 18 July 2007 A Cover Pages Publication
    http://xml.coverpages.org/ Provided by OASIS http://www.oasis-open.org
    Edited by Robin Cover
    Emergency Alert System (EAS) Poised for Massive Overhaul Staff, Radio World
    For more than 50 years, our government-imposed emergency alerting systems
    have tried and too often failed to fulfill their collective intended mission
    and benefit to the public.  The Integrated Public Alert and Warning System
    or IPAWS is a new initiative launched within DHS and FEMA to work with
    stakeholders to improve our public warning systems. We are seeing the fruit
    of that labor start to ripen. On May 31, 2007 the FCC adopted a Second
    Report and Order and FNPRM regarding EAS that will require EAS participants
    to accept messages using CAP, the Common Alerting Protocol. This will be
    incorporated in the next generation of EAS delivery systems no later than
    180 days after FEMA announces its adoption of standards. CAP is an open,
    non-proprietary, XML-based standard data interchange format used by DHS,
    FEMA, NWS, USGS and more recently by the FCC. It can be used to collect all
    types of hazard warnings and reports locally, regionally and nationally for
    input into a range of information management and warning dissemination
    systems. The beauty of CAP is that it's readily used by the Internet,
    cellphones, PDAs, newsgathering organizations, radio, TV and cable
    operators, highway messaging, lottery machines and so on. The new EAS
    delivery structure will need to incorporate a text-based engine that will
    easily be harnessed by CAP. Existing EAS hardware manufacturers and perhaps
    new players will be introducing new codec versions that include CAP
    capability when rules are finalized. Perhaps most important for existing
    broadcasters, the new rules will require transmitting state and locally
    targeted EAS alerts that are originated by governors or their designees. The
    goal in forging a new EAS system is to quickly and reliably reach 99 percent
    of the nation using radio, TV and other media with geo-targeted voice,
    video, text and data emergency information. The government has fast-tracked
    this proceeding, and input from broadcasters is very much needed and
    encouraged. Radio World urges all interested parties to participate in the
    rulemaking process.
    We have a real opportunity to make EAS work the way it was intended.
    [Note: CAP
    See also OASIS Emergency Management TC and CAP: