OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

Re: [ubl] Outcomes of joint SC call 2004.04.02

  • 1.  Re: [ubl] Outcomes of joint SC call 2004.04.02

    Posted 04-03-2004 02:45
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    Subject: Re: [ubl] Outcomes of joint SC call 2004.04.02

    i will volunteer to be part of this.  but i would add that there are 
    more deliverables than just schemas for UBL 1.1
    first, a priority has to be the UBL position for the OAG meeting at the 
    end of April.  we must have a clear statement of what we will be doing 
    for 1.1, if they agree to align.  we cannot still be debating what to do 
    second, is the joint OAG/UBL submission to  the mutually agreed upon 
    standards organization such as UN/CEFACT ATG2 or ISO.
    jon.bosak@sun.com wrote:
    >| >Most importantly, this plan has not yet been presented to
    >| >      the OAG membership, so we cannot be sure that changes we
    >| >      implement in UBL 1.0 will match changes implemented in OAGIS
    >| >      9.0.  We should know more about this following the OAG
    >| >      meeting scheduled for the end of this month.
    >| is there an action to ensure UBL's committed position on item (2) and 
    >| (3) will be finalised by then? I think the onus is on us to take the 
    >| initaitive or we will just cycle round again.
    >I think that two things are needed here:
    >1. The inclusion of CCTS schema alignment on our "to do" list for
    >   1.1.  I've already got this entered on a list that I will be
    >   putting out for review and approval once we've got the 1.0
    >   packaging done.
    >2. The appointment of a team to actually engage with our
    >   counterparts in OAG so that we have something done in time for
    >   1.1.  This is harder.  Are there volunteers?
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    tim mcgrath
    phone: +618 93352228  
    postal: po box 1289   fremantle    western australia 6160

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