Just as an FYI for those who are keeping track of the external noise that is being made around TOSCA.... IBM is planning on demoing and promoting TOSCA quite heavily at our Pulse events and in particular at a pre-Pulse event called the "Open Cloud Summit". If anyone is planning on being at either event, or wants to attend, see the copy of the announce below. -Doug ===================================================== IBM Pulse Open Cloud Summit - March 3, 2013 IBM is hosting the Pulse Open Cloud Summit, on Sunday, March 3, 2013 designed to foster a broader understanding, support, adoption and participation in cloud related open standards and open source. This interactive summit brings together leaders from different open standards organizations including The OpenStack Foundation and Cloud Standards Customer Council (CSCC) to discuss with you the direction these standards are taking and how you can influence them. Developing and implementing Cloud Open Standards is a critical step to capture value from the growing cloud ecosystem enabling you to drive new innovation in your organization and with your partners and clients. Participants will include Jonathan Bryce, Executive Director of The OpenStack Foundation, Richard Soley, Chairman of OMG, and Richard Probst, VP, Infrastructure Technology Strategy at SAP. In addition, John McDonald of CloudOne, lead contributor to the CSCC Practical Guide white papers, and Ryan Kean, of Kroger, chair of the CSCC Security working group, will be guest speakers at the event. Of special interest to OASIS members will be will be presentations on and a multi-vendor demo of the emerging OASIS TOSCA standard. The Summit is free to attend and is scheduled from 2:00-6:00pm at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. You don't have to be registered for Pulse to attend the Summit. However, if you do attend the Summit, IBM is offering a special promotion to extend your experience into Monday at Pulse for only $495. For more information including agenda and registration details, see this article in the PulseBlog -
http://www.ibmpulseblog.com/new-pulse-open-cloud-summit-arrive-early-on-sunday-march-3rd-and-extend-your-pulse-experience/ ===================================================== .