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Subject: OpenDocument TC Meeting Minutes 2006-01-09 and 2005-12-19
Minutes for 2006-01-09
Nathaniel Borenstein IBM
Yue Ma IBM
Robert Weir IBM
Patrick Durusau
Waldo Bastian Intel
David Faure KDE Project
Jody Goldberg Novell
Michael Brauer Sun Microsystems
Peter Korn Sun Microsystems
Lars Oppermann Sun Microsystems
Florian Reuter Sun Microsystems
Bruce D'Arcus The OpenDocument Foundation, Inc.
Gary Edwards The OpenDocument Foundation, Inc.
David Wheeler The OpenDocument Foundation, Inc.
Acceptance of Minutes from Last Call
The minutes were not posted yet. They are attached to this mail.
Action Items
- none -
General Topics
Next Monday if a public holiday in the US (Martin Luther King Day).
There will be no call on that day.
Starting with the next call, a new conference line (number) will be
used. Michael will post the details.
IPR Transition voting should have started on Jan. 5th. The current
status is not clear. Michael will check back with OASIS on progress.
Discussed Topics
Some of the invited experts are still missing. The membership materials
have been reviewed for being accessible and were distributed. Peter
offered to re-check the materials for any accessibility issues.
Nathaniel will now go forward to organize the first meeting, in around
two weeks. A message will be sent out proposing a date.
Michael has also posted a Tagged-PDF version of the specification to the
TC page.
There will be a CEN/ISSS workshop on Document Processing for
Accessibility in Brussels Jan. 23rd:
Malte Timmermann from Sun and a co-worker of Nathaniel from IBM will
attend the workshop. Also Pim van der Eijk from OASIS will be attending
on behalf of the OpenDocument TC.
Further discussion via mail (David, Michael) came to the conclusion,
that we should live without such hints, as they would only be useful in
a very limited number of cases.
Interop for Settings:
OpenDocument specifies a generic settings container (settings.xml) which
is used by to store some application specific settings,
e.g. concerning some rendering options that were in effect when the
document was saved
Should such settings be standardized, and if yes, to what extend?
David F.: some of those settings could also be viewed as document-level
Jody, David W.: this has also relevance in the area of spreadsheets,
e.g. sheet-specific settings (-> styles)
David F. and Michael will follow up on this topic
Unique Names for Automatic Styles:
currently, the specification does not require the name of automatic
styles to be unique, for styles that are defined in styles.xml and in
A future version of the spec should at least contain a
'SHOULD'-assertion on style names being unique.
Style names are also not required to be unique across different
style-family, which could be a potential problem for implementors.
New Action Items:
Michael: post details on new conference line
Michael: check status for IPR transition
Nathaniel: start scheduling first A11Y call
David F., Michael: follow up on settings
Next conference call
2006-01-23 4PM GMT – 5:00PM GMT
Minutes for 2005-12-19
Nathaniel Borenstein IBM
Robert Weir IBM
Patrick Durusau
Waldo Bastian Intel
David Faure KDE Project
Michael Brauer Sun Microsystems
Lars Oppermann Sun Microsystems
Gary Edwards The OpenDocument Foundation, Inc.
Acceptance of Minutes from Last Call
The attending TC members unanimously accepted the minutes.
Action Items
David, Florian: continue discussion on object-position-hints
- ongoing
Rob: prepare start of A11Y SC
- new version of PDF was sent out
- ASC should be ready to start after holiday break
General Topics
There will be a new conference line number for this call next year.
Details will follow
Michael has prepared a new version of the FAQ. No one had any issues
with this new version and it will be posted to the TC page.
Discussed Topics
Meta Data:
The first phase of working on the OpenDocument meta data model is to
define a mapping from the meta data as it is in the spec now to the RDF
data model.
This mapping should also conform to the subset of the RDF data model
that XMP is using
The mapping should map some of the meta:-namespace properties to dcq
properties if there are appropriate ones available.
Lars and Florian are working on the mapping.
The second phase will address the extensibility of the Open Document
meta data facility.
Michael will collect requirements for this second phase.
Phase 2 should enable application developers, to store those meta data
attributes that are needed by their users.
The first two phases do not cover meta data statements on specific parts
of a document (e.g. individual paragraphs). This will be covered in a
third phase.
It is not yet clear to which kinds of objects, metadata should be
attachable. One might think of XML elements or specific objects, that
have meaning in the context of a specific document, e.g. paragraphs in
text documents. Also for this phase, requirements are still needed.
New Action Items:
- none -
Next conference call
2006-01-09 4PM GMT – 5:00PM GMT
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