Hello Kohei,
Changing the existing table:cell-range-address attribute to allow a list of cell range addresses seems not appropriate because "cell-range-address" is just a single range, and can not contain the meaning of multiple ranges. But based on your idea, I can suggest 2 options for this proposal:
Option 1: define <table:table-source-cell-ranges> which contains more than one child element <table:table-source-cell-range>. The schema looks like:
<define name="table-source-cell-ranges">
<element name="table:source-cell-ranges">
<ref name=table-source-cell-range>
Option 2: use the existing attribute <table-source-cell-range-addresses> (draft 7.v2, 18.963 ) to define the element <table:table-source-cell-ranges>. The schema looks like:
<define name="table-source-cell-ranges">
<element name="table:source-cell-ranges">
<ref name="table-source-cell-ranges-attlist"/>
<ref name="table-filter"/>
<--Sure, table-source-cell-ranges-attlist is not existed in the current spec, this proposal need to define it:-->
<define name="table-source-cell-ranges-attlist" combine="interleave">
<attribute name="table:source-cell-range-addresses">
<ref name="cellRangeAddressList"/>
Best Regards,
Mingfei Jia(贾明飞)
IBM Lotus Symphony Development
IBM China Software Development LAB, Beijing
Tel: 86-10-82452493 Fax: 86-10-82452887
NOTES:Ming Fei Jia/China/IBM E-mail:
Address: 4/F, DeShi Building No.9, East Road, ShangDi, Haidian District, Beijing 100085, PRC
Kohei Yoshida ---07/03/2008 10:58:34 PM---On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 15:57 +0800, Zhi Yu Yue wrote:
On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 15:57 +0800, Zhi Yu Yue wrote:
> 8.9.3 <table:source-cell-ranges>
> If the source of a data pilot table is a list of cell ranges, the
> <table:source-cell-ranges> element contains information about the cell
> ranges and how the data pilot table gets the data from the ranges.
> Before the source data is processed by the data pilot data, a filter
> may be applied to it. This filter has to be specified by a
> <table:filter> child element.
> <define name="table-source-cell-ranges">
> <element name="table:source-cell-ranges">
> <ref name="table-source-cell-ranges-attlist"/>
> <optional>
> <ref name="table-filter"/>
> </optional>
> </element>
> </define>
I don't see the definition of table-source-cell-ranges-attlist. I
believe that's an accidental omission.
More importantly, if we can change the existing table:cell-range-address
attribute to allow a list of cell range addresses, instead of just one
cell range like it currently allows, then we won't need to introduce a
new element to define multiple source ranges. I personally like that
approach better because if we allow both <table:source-cell-range> and
<table:source-cell-ranges> as child elements of
<table:data-pilot-table>, then we would need to specify a desired
behavior if both <table:source-cell-range> and
<table:source-cell-ranges> are given. IMO limiting to just allowing one
of these elements, instead of allowing both would be a better approach.
What are your thoughts on these points?
Kohei Yoshida - OpenOffice.org Engineer - Novell, Inc.
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