OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

Re: [ebsoa] Re: [ebxml-bp] Closing the gap between MSI and BSI andmove on

  • 1.  Re: [ebsoa] Re: [ebxml-bp] Closing the gap between MSI and BSI andmove on

    Posted 02-04-2005 23:01
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [ebsoa] Re: [ebxml-bp] Closing the gap between MSI and BSI andmove on

    Can whoever started this thread please decide which listserve to stick 
    to and stick to one only?  Not sure why it is going to three lists?  I 
    would suggest the dev list since it spans architecture, BPSS and MS.
    Sacha Schlegel wrote:
    >Am Freitag, den 04.02.2005, 14:24 -0800 schrieb Duane Nickull:
    >>No that is not what I said nor is it what I wrote. 
    >True, sorry about that.
    >> The messaging may 
    >>contrain certain aspects of the business process at runtime.  They 
    >>should be capable of working together.
    >To me the question is, if you want to have one system doing messaging
    >and the BPSS at the same time or if you want to have two systems, one
    >doing messaging and one doing BPSS.
    >A non-proprietary two systems approach is only possible if there is a
    >defined interface between the two.
    >>For the record, I informed members of the BPSS team 2-3 years ago 
    >>(Monica Martin and Dave Welsh) that using BSI as a term within BPSS was 
    >>probably a very bad idea that would lead to confusion. 
    >Well version 2 is not yet released, so not too late.
    >>Sacha Schlegel wrote:
    >>>Hi Duane,
    >>>Good to see you :)
    >>>So you say:
    >>>"Abstract = BSI"
    >>>"Concrete = MS, CPA and BPSS"
    >>>no concrete BSI? ;)
    >>>So you say a MS takes care of the BPSS?
    >>>Am Freitag, den 04.02.2005, 12:21 -0800 schrieb Duane Nickull:
    >>>>Monica J. Martin wrote:
    >>>>>mm1: David, I would suggest we have some clear boundaries before 
    >>>>>engaging ebSOA team. Some of the discussion surrounds assumptions 
    >>>>>about the role of the MSI or BSI should be clarified by the 
    >>>>>experienced parties and experts involved from ebBP and ebMS teams (not 
    >>>>>to say there are not experts in ebSOA). Thanks.
    >>>>Those groups are where a lot of FUD comes from surrounding the BSI.  
    >>>>Some people actually stated they believed the BSI was concrete and hence 
    >>>>not an abstract artifact.
    >>>>Abstract = BSI
    >>>>Concrete = MS, CPA and BPSS
    Senior Standards Strategist - Adobe Systems, Inc. - http://www.adobe.com
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