OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

[xacml] Re: [xacml-comment] 5.31 Element

  • 1.  [xacml] Re: [xacml-comment] 5.31 Element

    Posted 12-06-2002 02:09
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: [xacml] Re: [xacml-comment] 5.31 Element <AttributeSelector>

    Hi, John
    For the type correctness, I don't expect that option 1 always occurs. So
    each implementation should enforce the type correctness. I mean that the
    processor just calls some XPath processor to retrieve the requested node
    set irrespective of the datatype specified in the selector. After some
    string conversions are performed, the processor checks whether each string
    value can be converted to the datatype specified in the selector. Either
    way, this kind of run-time type checking should be implemented for the case
    of ResourceContent.
    If XPath expression does not include a predicate expression to satisfy data
    type requirement (Subject/Attribute[AttributeId= '...subject-id' and
    DataType"..."]/AttributeValue), it can select a node that has different
    data type. But I think this is the problem of the policy specification and
    not the problem of the AttributeSelector specification. Certainly, it would
    be better to add some note about this in the specification.
    I think that the semantics of the AttributeSelector should conform to the
    specified version of the XPath. So the conversion functions would be ones
    specified in the corresponding XPath specification. In the case of XPath
    1.0, each conversion (node set to string value and string value to each
    data type) would be the conversion specified in XPath 1.0 even if it may
    have some oddities in it. And I could not find any XACML function
    definition that converts "false" string value to False boolean value in the
    committee specification. Which function are you talking about?
    In the case of ResourceContent, the selected node set and resultant string
    value(s) must be checked against the data type specified in the selector.
    If the conversion failed, then "Indeterminate" should be returned
    (optionally with some status code such as syntax-error).
    Michiharu Kudo
    IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory, Internet Technology
    Tel. +81 (46) 215-4642   Fax +81 (46) 273-7428
    |         |           John Merrells    |
    |         |           <merrells@jiffyso|
    |         |           ftware.com>      |
    |         |                            |
    |         |           2002/12/06 05:16 |
    |         |                            |
      |                                                                                                              |
      |       To:       Michiharu Kudoh/Japan/IBM@IBMJP                                                              |
      |       cc:       XACML COMMENT <xacml-comment@lists.oasis-open.org>, XACML TC <xacml@lists.oasis-open.org>    |
      |       Subject:  Re: [xacml-comment] 5.31 Element <AttributeSelector>                                         |
      |                                                                                                              |
      |                                                                                                              |
    Michiharu Kudoh wrote:
    >"... it must also match the attribute's data-type ..." I think 'it' means
    >the value(s) selected by XPath. For example,
    >  <Subject>
    >    <Attribute AttributeId="...subject-id" DataType
    >      <AttributeValue>123</AttributeValue>
    >    </Attribute>
    >  </Subject>
    >  ...
    ><AttributeSelector RequestContextPath="Subject/Attribute[AttributeId
    >= '...subject-id']/AttributeValue"/>
    >should return "123" that must be an integer from the DataType attribute.
    >When "subject-id" matches two attributes, then the both value must be
    In your example the AttributeSelector must include a DataType. I'll
    assume that it is
    the same type as the attribute that's being selected. So,
    The result of executing the given XPath expression within a context
    where the Request
    node is the context node will be a nodeset containing a single element
    node. The node
    will have a type of AttributeValue and a value of '123'.
    If the example request contained multiple subject attributes with the
    given AttributeId
    then the result of the expression valuation would be a nodeset
    containing multiple
    element nodes. Regardless of whatever type is specified by the
    and Attributes.
    If you want to enforce type correctness between the selector and the
    values then
    you have these choices... 1) The author of the XPath expression must
    write the
    expression so that it matches both the AttributeId and the DataType.
    Subject/Attribute[AttributeId= '...subject-id' and
    or, 2) the processor must enforce the type correctness. Option 1 is clearly
    error prone as people just won't bother, option 2 could be quite hard.
    [Although using the AttributeValue as the context node you could say
    How is the selected node converted into a value? You can convert a node
    into a string-value, as defined in the XPath spec. You then have a choice
    of using the string to value conversions that are defined in XPath, or use
    the conversions as defined in XACML. I would specify as the later, as
    XPath has some oddities in this area. (ie. The string 'false' has the
    value true.)
    The next problem is working out which type to convert the string-value
    into. If we assume that the author or processor has checked that the
    selector and value types match then we can use the DataType specified
    in the selector.
    Another example that should be explored is an XPath expression executed
    over the ResourceContent. In this case there are no DataTypes provided
    with the values, so there's no type checking that can be performed. We
    can only assume that the value provided is a valid representation for a
    an instance of the value of DataType specified in the selector. If the
    can not be coerced into that DataType then what should the processor
    >I think that the following XPath returns a boolean type: boolean
    Nope. I think this is the basis of the problem in the specification.

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