Hi Dee,
I'd like to ask about a potential XLIFF webinar, facilitated by OASIS. Please note in the XLIFF TC meeting minutes below, item "=== 3.1. Updates on the 1st International XLIFF Symposium." We are holding our First Annual XLIFF International Symposium, September 20, in Limerick Ireland (http://www.localisation.ie/xliff/). Among the agenda items are two panels: 11:50 - 12:40 XLIFF Minimal and Modular; and 16:40 - 17:30 XLIFF Metadata (all times are GMT).
TC members expressed an interest in conducting one, or both of these panels as OASIS webinars. It would be a first for me: a live panel discussion at a symposium where webinar attendees could participate in real-time.
I realize quite a few details would need to be worked out on both ends. I just wanted to see if you thought this could be a good idea, and if so, what our next steps might be.
From: Yves Savourel [ysavourel@translate.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 9:14 AM
To: xliff@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [xliff] TC Teleconference - Summary
XLIFF TC Teleconference - Summary
Date: Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm ET
=== 1/ Roll call
Present: Asgeir, Bryan, Yves, Christian, Lucia, Dimitra, David, Doug, Arle
Regrets: Rodolfo
=== 2/ Approve Tuesday, 1 June 2010 meeting minutes:
Asgeir moves to approve minutes.
Bryan seconds.
No objections
Bryan: Discussion for conformance moved after v2 discussion. Is it ok?
David: May be needed during the work on features to insure we can enforce the features.
Bryan: OK for concurrent work then.
=== 3.1. Updates on the 1st International XLIFF Symposium
Dimitra: program finalized. Maybe 15mn to discuss it?
David: second.
Asgeir, Christian, Bryan, Yves: sounds fine.
David presents the program...
One day, very full, dominant topic: "minimal & modular"
Panels and presentation, several tracks too.
ACTION ITEM: Bryan to look at the possibility to do an OASIS Webinar for one of the panel.
=== 3.2. Possible to get more work done by scheduling face-to-face meetings
(Lucia created a poll http://www.doodle.com/ra63ue77nevp976a )
ACTION ITEM: All to visit http://www.doodle.com/ra63ue77nevp976a and see where you would be possibly present.
For more dates: ask Lucia to modify the poll.
=== 3.3 Move our spec into Docbook (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201007/msg00009.html)?
Authoring in DocBook will allow more controlled output.
DITA has also a toolkit, but not quite ready.
Pros: Working from DocBook would ensure proper OASIS-official output.
Cons: Editors need DocBook DTD. Rodolfo is ok with that.
Bryan: propose to adopt this approach.
Yves: think it's a good idea
Doug: same but wonder about the availability of editing tools.
Bryan: most commercial tool would be ok, less sure for open-source, but SERNA Has support (http://www.syntext.com/products/serna/docbook-xml-format-support/)
See also: http://wiki.docbook.org/topic/DocBookPublishingTools
Don't know exactly the sub-set allowed
Asgeir: good move, presentation guide was done in DocBook. But having the source under version control is important too.
Bryan: yes
=== 4/ XLIFF Inline text SC report
Yves: going through the requirements, will try to work by email a bit too.
Arle: working on getting OSCAR feedback
=== OpenTM2-related question from Arle
Arle: XLIFF planned as the portability layer between Joomla and OpenTM2. But some metadata "is missing" apparently.
Christian: From my understanding, we already now have mechanisms (extension points) in XLIFF that would allow additional meta data to be accommodated.
David: There are plans to form a Metadata SC, so this would be useful input.
Arle: So we'll try to work through the TC for this.
David: maybe related to DITA as well.
Doug: for our CMS we use the XLIFF tool element (with extended namespace).
Arle: I think they talk about a more general set of metadata that can be shared.
Bryan: working with Drupal as well, maybe some common part too.
=== 7/ XLIFF 2.0
Bryan: Second meeting in August is the DEADLINE for Features
Maybe we can extend one week since we have missed one meeting.
David: maybe after the symposium would be better.
Bryan: Possibly. I'll go back to decision to see if we need formal change.
ACTION ITEM: Bryan to check on deadline.
Need to consolidate the feature set:
ACTION ITEM: All to look at http://wiki.oasis-open.org/xliff/XLIFF2.0 and see if any need to be moved to http://wiki.oasis-open.org/xliff/XLIFF2.0/FeatureTracking
Then we can go through the items and decide.
If we have few v2 features we may want to go there instead of working on 1.2 errata.
Dimitra: if I have some changes to propose (rather than feature) how should I enter that?
Bryan: ok to put this in the feature tracking page
- meeting adjourned
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