I would like to make the suggestion to extend the scope of work of the OASIS
DSS-X charter by including support for encryption (in addition to signature
and timestamping). By relying on existing DSS (core) specifications (e.g.
document or request schemata), an encryption and decryption protocol coherent
with the DSS standard could be defined.
Whether this support for encryption should be included as a protocol
(otherwise, it could be added to (1)(c)a of the scope of work) should be
discussed by the TC.
Am Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2007 schrieb Mary McRae:
> To OASIS Members:
> A draft TC charter has been submitted to establish the OASIS Digital
> Signature Services eXtended (DSS-X) Technical Committee. In accordance with
> the OASIS TC Process Policy section 2.2:
> (http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/process.php#2.2) the proposed charter
> is hereby submitted for comment. The comment period shall remain open until
> 11:45 pm ET on 12 June 2007.
> OASIS maintains a mailing list for the purpose of submitting comments on
> proposed charters. Any OASIS member may post to this list by sending email
> to: mailto:oasis-charter-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org. All messages will be
> publicly archived at:
> http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/oasis-charter-discuss/. Members who
> wish to receive emails must join the group by selecting "join group" on the
> group home page:
> http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/oasis-charter-discuss/.
> Employees of organizational members do not require primary representative
> approval to subscribe to the oasis-charter-discuss e-mail.
> A telephone conference will be held among the Convener, the OASIS TC
> Administrator, and those proposers who wish to attend within four days of
> the close of the comment period. The announcement and call-in information
> will be noted on the OASIS Charter Discuss Group Calendar.
> We encourage member comment and ask that you note the name of the
> proposed TC (DSS-X) in the subject line of your email message.
> Regards,
> Mary
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Mary P McRae
> Manager of TC Administration, OASIS
> email: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org
> web: www.oasis-open.org
> phone: 603.232.9090
> ===========
> (1)(a) TC NAME:
> OASIS Digital Signature Services eXtended (DSS-X) Technical Committee
> This Technical Committee has as its mandate production of new profiles of
> the existing OASIS Digital Signature Services core protocol "Digital
> Signature Service Core Protocols, Elements, and Bindings Version 1.0" and
> maintenance of this specification and its existing profiles. If at a later
> date it becomes clear that a new version of DSS is necessary then this may
> be produced by the TC.
> This further includes promotion of the standard and the creation of
> material helping dissemination.
> In general terms, the TC has the goal to facilitate the processing of
> digital signatures and time stamps in a client server environment.
> The scope of activity for this TC will be within the following topics:
> a. Support of the server-based creation and verification of different types
> of signatures, among which the most relevant ones are XML Sig and CMS, and
> timestamps, both RFC 3161 and the XML time-stamps defined by the OASIS
> Digital Signature Services (DSS) TC.
> b. Production of new profiles suitable for a number of environments and
> purposes, which spread the usage of the specifications.
> c. Production of an analysis of inter-relationship among existing profiles
> in a matrix where new profiles shall state their relationship to existing
> ones.
> d. Production of dissemination material for promoting usage and
> facilitating tools development.
> e. Maintenance of the existing OASIS DSS standard and core protocol
> "Digital Signature Service Core Protocols, Elements, and Bindings Version
> 1.0" and related profiles produced by the former OASIS Digital Signature
> Services Technical Committee, subject to appropriate access to underlying
> intellectual property.
> Below follows the list of generic deliverables (estimated completion Q4
> 2008): a. New DSS Profiles
> b. Further Interoperability tests
> c. Cross Matrix for existing profiles showing their inter-relationship
> d. WSDL definition for the DSS soap bindings
> e. Maintenance of "Digital Signature Service Core Protocols, Elements, and
> Bindings Version 1.0"
> f. Maintenance of existing Profiles
> Below follows the list of candidate new profiles:
> a. Visible signatures
> b. Profile for ebXML
> c. Profile for individual reports on every signature verified in
> multi-signature documents
> d. Profile for requesting signed verification responses
> e. "baseline" profiles
> f. Handling of signature & service policy
> (1)(e) Specification of the IPR Mode under which the TC will operate.
> RF on Limited Terms.
> (1)(f) The anticipated audience or users of the work.
> Anticipated audience or users of the work include:
> - Applications requiring digital signatures
> - Companies requiring centralized electronic signature generation solutions
> in place (e-Invoice in Europe for instance).
> - Companies offering signing, time stamping and verification as a service
> (ASP provider).
> - Trusted Service Providers of more or less closed communities offering
> centralized electronic signatures verification services.
> - Public Administrations launching e-Identity initiatives.
> - Public Administrations and private companies doing Government-Business
> Electronic Commerce.
> - Public Administrations agencies exchanging signed documents.
> Participants in Exchange Processes, where signed documents are to be
> exchanged, archived and/or retrieved.
> (1)(g) The language in which the TC shall conduct business.
> English
> (2) Non-normative information regarding the startup of the TC:
> (2)(a) Identification of similar or applicable work that is being done in
> other OASIS TCs or by other organizations, why there is a need for another
> effort in this area and how this proposed TC will be different, and what
> level of liaison will be pursued with these other organizations.
> Many efforts related to digital signatures and related technologies are
> underway throughout the industry. The following work may be relevant to
> this OASIS Digital Signature Services Profiles TC:
> OASIS Digital Signature Service TC (DSS) [closed]
> OASIS Access Control TC (XACML)
> OASIS Rights Language TC (XrML) [closed]
> OASIS Security Services TC (SAML)
> OASIS Web Services Security TC (WSSTC) [completed]
> OASIS Election and Voter Services TC
> OASIS LegalXML eNotarization TC
> OASIS LegalXML Electronic Court filing
> OASIS ebXML Registry TC
> OASIS XML Common Biometric Format TC (XCBF) [completed]
> OASIS Biometric Identity Assurance Services Integration TC (BIAS)
> OASIS Enterprise Key Management Infrastructure TC (EKMI)
> OASIS Public Key Infrastructure Adoption TC (PKIA)
> W3C XML Signature
> W3C XML Key Management
> W3C XML Encryption
> ETSI Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures Technical Committee
> ANSI X9F4 X9.95 (Trusted Time Stamps)
> ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27 and standard ISO/IEC 18014
> Universal Postal Union S43-2 Electronic PostMark (EPM) interface standard
> The DSS specification has reached a level of maturity resulting in a raised
> level of interest among the Web community. The former DSS Technical
> Committee had received requests to develop profiles which are included in
> this charter. Committee members had also identified a number of issues to
> be dealt with in the next phase of development. It is the intent of the
> DSS-X TC to continue this work. A significant number of former members have
> expressed their support, ensuring critical mass to accomplish the goals set
> forth above.
> Each of the entities listed above deal with standardization in areas
> closely related to the proposed TC. It is the intention of this TC to keep
> informal contacts with those whose work have an impact on its
> specifications. Formal liaisons may also be established.
> (2)(b) The date, time, and location of the first meeting, whether it will
> be held in person or by phone, and who will sponsor this first meeting. The
> first meeting of a TC shall occur no less than 30 days after the
> announcement of its formation in the case of a telephone or other
> electronic meeting, and no less than 45 days after the announcement of its
> formation in the case of a face-to-face meeting.
> First July 9th noon Eastern, 6pm CET.
> ARX will be the host.
> (2)(c) The projected on-going meeting schedule for the year following the
> formation of the TC, or until the projected date of the final deliverable,
> whichever comes first, and who will be expected to sponsor these meetings.
> Initially one conference call every two weeks.
> The group knows a number of companies that offer free conference calling
> services.
> It is the intention of the group to make use of these services for the TC
> conference calls.
> This issue will be co-ordinated by the chairs of the new TC.
> As a back-up alternative BEA is also willing to provide a call bridge.
> (2)(d) The names, electronic mail addresses, and membership affiliations of
> at least Minimum Membership who support this proposal and are committed to
> the Charter and projected meeting schedule.
> Ignacio Alamillo, CATCERT, ialamillo@catcert.net
> Juan Carlos Cruellas, CANET, cruellas@ac.upc.edu
> Stefan Drees, Individual, stefan@drees.name
> Julian Inza, Eurobits Technologies, julian.inza@eurobits.es
> Andreas Khuene, Individual, kuehne@klup.de
> Helbert Leithold, A-SIT, herbert.leitold@a-sit.at
> Tommy Lindbert, Dajeil, tommy.lindberg@gmail.com
> Hal Lockhart, BEA, hlockhar@bea.com
> Nick Pope, Thales, Nick.Pope@thales-esecurity.com
> Uri Resnitzky, Associate, uri@arx.com
> (2)(e) The name of the Convener who must be an Eligible Person.
> Juan Carlos Cruellas - CANET.
> (2)(f) The name of the Member Section with which the TC intends to
> affiliate, if any.
> IDTrust proposed subject to confirmation.
> (2)(g) Optionally, a list of contributions of existing technical work that
> the proposers anticipate will be made to this TC.
> (2)(h) Optionally, a draft Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document
> regarding the planned scope of the TC, for posting on the TC's website.
> (2)(i) Optionally, a proposed working title and acronym for the
> specification(s) to be developed by the TC.
Clemens Orthacker A-SIT, Graz University of Technology
Inffeldgasse 16a, 8010 Graz, Austria
Tel: +43 316 873 5512 Web: http://www.a-sit.at/