OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

Open Office XML Format TC Meeting Minutes 2-Jun-03

  • 1.  Open Office XML Format TC Meeting Minutes 2-Jun-03

    Posted 06-05-2003 12:19
    JUNE, THE 2ND, 2003, 3PM GMT � 4:00PM GMT
    Phil Boutros <pboutros@stellent.com>, Stellent
    Michael Brauer <michael.brauer@sun.com>, Sun Microsystems
    Simon Davis <simond@naa.gov.au>, National Archive of Australia
    David Faure <faure@kde.org>
    Paul Langille <paul.langille@corel.com>, Corel
    Tom Magliery <Tom.Magliery@corel.com>, Corel
    Daniel Vogelheim <daniel.vogelheim@sun.com>, Sun Microsystems
    Jamie Clark <jamie.clark@oasis-open.org>,  OASIS Open
    Acceptance of Minutes of the May, the 19th meeting
    - The attending TC members unanimously accepted the minutes.
    Action Items
    - Phil Boutros: create proposal for unifying change tracking in text and 
    table documents
       - in progress
    Discussion of Work Package 6.2 Embedded Objects
    The TC continued the discussion about fallback or replacement images for 
    embedded objects. The TC discussed to enhance the specification as 
    follows. A list of replacement images will be added to both kind of 
    embedded objects, the ones that have an XML representation 
    (<office:object>) and the ones that have only a binary representation 
    (<office:foreign-object>). It is recommended to order the replacement 
    images by their quality, but it is up to the application to choose the 
    representation that best fits its purpose, its requirements and is best 
    supported by the system it is running on. This means that there is 
    explicitly no rule that an application has to choose the first 
    replacement image if it does not support the object itself, the second 
    if it does neither support the object nor the first replacement and so on.
    It is recommended to supply PNG for bitmap replacement images and SVG 
    for vector based replacement images.
    Phil Boutros will create a proposal for this enhancement.
    Discussion of Work Package 6.3 Other Graphical Elements
    The TC unanimously agreed to enhance the specification for wrapping 
    around text-boxes, images, etc. A "style:wrap-dynamic-threshold" that 
    takes a length will be added. This attribute is evaluated  if the 
    "style:wrap" attribute has a value of "dynamic" and will specify the 
    minimum distance between the page or column border and the object for 
    which wrapping will be enabled. In addition to this, a value "biggest" 
    will be added for "style:wrap" attribute that specifies that the text 
    wraps around the object border where the difference to the left or right 
    page or column border is largest.
    A discussion of gradients was started based on an earlier 
    comment/proposal posted by David Faure. Discussion was moved to the next 
    meeting to allow people to get more familiar with David's proposal.
    New Action Items
    Phil Boutros: Create proposal for replacement images for embedded objects.
    Michael Brauer
    OASIS Open Office XML format TC chair