OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

WSIA Security 5/21/2002: [wsia] [wsrp] [security] New security TC

  • 1.  WSIA Security 5/21/2002: [wsia] [wsrp] [security] New security TC

    Posted 05-21-2002 12:26
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    wsia message

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    Subject: WSIA Security 5/21/2002: [wsia] [wsrp] [security] New security TC

    Some portions extracted from the business scenarios that could infer
    security requirements.  I have completed for all scenarios.  Please let
    me know if I have inadvertently missed any scenario (given they have
    security requirements).
    If this should also be forwarded to WSRP, please do so as I do not have
    access to that list.
    Monica J. Martin
    Program Manager
    Drake Certivo, Inc.