Dear ebXML Message Cartel:
I have been following the recent work in the group and am pleased to see
things shaping up. However, there are some questions I would like to
1. Has anyone addressed issues surrounding forwards and backwards
compatibility between the 1.0 MSH and the current spec?
2. IF #1 has been addressed, what must a version 1.1+ MSH handler do
when it encounters and older ebXML message version:
a. kindly announce it via a recoverable error message;
b. quietly parse it without telling anyone
c. consider it a fatal error and issue a call to the runtime stack
announcing suspension of the Business Collaboration
3. Is there a hook in the CPP/A mechanism so trading partners can
declare which version(s) of the ebXML messaging they support?
I apologize in advance for being too lazy to read the new CPP/A dtd ;-)
Duane Nickull
CTO, XML Global Technologies
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