OASIS Emergency Management TC

FW: 2010 Call for Presentations

  • 1.  FW: 2010 Call for Presentations

    Posted 02-19-2010 15:25

    Bill Kalin

    Clarus Technology, Inc.

    Office for Interoperability and Compatibility

    Science and Technology

    Department of Homeland Security

    (O) - 202-254-6774

    (C) - 703-283-2835

    From: WCDM Australia Summit [mailto:eventemails@divcomevents.ccsend.com] On Behalf Of WCDM Australia Summit
    Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 8:33 PM
    To: Kalin, William
    Subject: 2010 Call for Presentations

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    2010 WCDM Australia
    Call For Presentations


    Who Attends? Who is Your Audience?

    Who Should Submit?

    Submission Details


    Deadline to Submit - April 9, 2010

    All Submissions MUST be ON-LINE. Submissions received by E-mail, Fax or Hardcopy will not be accepted.

    WCDM Australia Summit Overview

    From the success of the 1st WCDM Australia we are looking forward to planning a bigger and better 2010 summit.

    As we are continuing to strive to offer an optimal educational platform that provides unique networking and learning opportunities we are holding a Call for Presentations for the 2010 WCDM Australia Summit.

    Dates and location are being confirmed for Spring 2010 in Australia.

    To continue to challenge delegates by examining traditional concepts and methods, a major goal of the WCDM Australia Summit is to offer a program that provides:

    • New ideas and approaches to problem solving
    • Both leading edge and topical presentations
    • Opportunities to connect with key individuals and organizations across the disaster management spectrum

    The 2010 Conference theme is: Building Solutions for a Global Community,  Emergency Management and Business Continuity Working Together

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    Who Attends? Who is Your Audience?

    At the 2010 WCDM Australia Summit you have the opportunity to present and provide education to professionals in the fields of:

    • Emergency Management/Planning
    • Business Continuity Management
    • Risk Management
    • Emergency Response
    • Public Health
    • Health and Safety Management
    • Human Resource Management
    • IT Disaster Recovery
    • Security
    • Community Planning
    • Military
    • Or other related Disaster Management Disciplines

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    Who Should Submit?

    If you have some knowledge to share within disaster management fields mentioned above and comply with the theme and objectives below, please submit your abstract today.

    Or if you know of someone who might be interested in presenting, please pass on this Call for Presentation onto them.

    Submissions of abstracts have to comply with the Theme and Objectives of the 2010 WCDM.

    Presentations should fall into one or more of the following categories:

    • Real Events/Lessons Learned
    • Emerging Trends in Disaster Management
    • The Human Element in Disaster Management
    • Technical Issues/Threats
    • Disaster Management Principles & Practices
    • Academic//Research and Development

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    Submission Details

    Deadline to Submit - April 9, 2010

    To submit your presentation details today, please click on the link below:


    All submissions must be submitted online by completing the following steps:

    1. Create an Account (if you haven't previously last year) OR If you Created an Account and have forgotten your log-in you can click on the hyperlink within the returning users to have your password emailed to you
    2. Add Speakers (or view the list of "My Speakers" that you already submitted)
    3. Add Presentation
    4. Assign Speakers to the Presentation (you can assign speakers you have previously submitted)
    5. Submit for Review

    All submitters will be notified by April 30, 2010 - All presentations selected are chosen based on the basis of the best fit for the particular event.

    All submissions that are not accepted for the 2010 WCDM Australia Summit will be kept on file for future WCDM events.

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    If you have any questions, inquiries or need technical assistance while youre entering your submission online please contact Anita Carley at 888-443-6786 / 905-948-0470 ext: 246 or email: acarley@wcdm.org

    For sponsorship opportunities please contact Mark Voegelin at 905-948-0470 / 888-443-6786 ext. 239 or mvoegelin@divcomevents.com

    For general inquiries please contact Chuck Wright at 905-948-0470 / 888-443-6786 ext. 241 or cwright@divcomevents.com

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