REMINDER – the EMTC meeting will be today, Wed 9/20 at 12EDT (1800 in Rome) Due to observers being on the call today at the CAP workshop, I would like to have any corrections to the 9/5 notes provided early to lessen the time needed for administrative details. One main topic for us today is to discuss two methods of providing a discussion list for OASIS members and non-members to participate in discussion on specific items relative to our specifications. OASIS staff suggested the following two options to be discussed on our call today: 1. The Emergency TC already has a public mailing list, emergency-dev, (see ). Anyone can post so long as they subscribe to the list; archives are public. 2. There's also the EDXL LinkedIn Group: . Here you could easily start new Discussion topics every three months, and invite comments. The LinkedIn Group gives people more visibility into who posts (since the posts are linked to each person's LinkedIn profile), but the discussions are private to Group members, so people would have to join the Group in order to see the discussions Please consider these and be ready to discuss the pros/cons of each and perhaps both would be appropriate in some cases. The topic of Event List came up again during the AccuWeather presentation. Johnathan also had other topics that could be addressed by our committee but should involve discussion of other implementers. My presentation on the event list will not be until late Thurs. I look forward to being able to have some CAP workshop participants join our meeting today. The meeting will be held via zoom at the coordinates on the calendar and below: Topic: EMTC Meeting Time: Sep 20, 2017 11:00 AM Central Standard Time (US and Canada) Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Or iPhone one-tap : US: +16699006833,,2566948702# or +14086380968,,2566948702# Or Telephone : Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location) : US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 408 638 0968 or +1 646 876 9923 Meeting ID: 256 694 8702 International numbers available: Best, Elysa Jones