OASIS Emergency Management TC

EM TC 08-26-03 Meeting Minutes

  • 1.  EM TC 08-26-03 Meeting Minutes

    Posted 08-26-2003 19:04
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    Subject: EM TC 08-26-03 Meeting Minutes

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    Emergency Management TC

    08-26-03 Meeting Minutes


    Attendees are tracked on the OASIS EM TC site.


    • Report From Each Subcommittee
    • Committee Spec Update
    • Figure Out Feedback Process

    GIS Update � Carl Reed

    Continued discussions on symbology for emergency management.

    • When talk about symbology not talking about the artwork, color and content.
    • Are referring to transport, communicate and interoperate.
      Does the TC agree with that approach? Yes

    GIS Recommends to folks doing demonstration of CAP � if there was information in point and polygon provide something in it you could move around.

    Infrastructure Subcommittee � Michael C. Wilson

    Rick was not available at the meeting.

    He is continuing work on a document to detail responsibilities of subcommittee and status of work. Revision number four will be submitted to TC shortly

    Notifications Subcommittee � Art Botterell

    • Progressing on ICS 201 form. Some documentation, two versions of object model and beginning of data dictionary are completed
    • CAP Spec is posted.
    • Live CAP feed for CA emergency bulletins on a website. (No SOAP involved). This can be found at www.edis.ca.gov/cap_1.0
    • On the TC website there is one .pdf file which is current version reflecting edits from Allen. The 13-August version posted in document is correct version. Any of the old versions that are part of messages were just working drafts that were in continual update mode. This is a committee specification.
    • Critical path item - process for dealing with Feedback before we launch pubic comments
    • Department of Homeland Security has taken the TC letter on board.
    • Gary Disasterhelp.gov is setting up to support CAP (is in their requirements). Not just national alerts but other level of alerts as well
    • There are other project using CAP as well.
    • CAP Pavilion � only leadership that is going to count is leadership by example � our efforts are being reward.

    Rex � Oracle provides standard portal page � different kinds of port pages. One can be adapted to CAP message. Limited portability but can do testing. Shows limited interoperability. Only need to change names and data inside. Site can be found at www.portalstandards.oracle.com

    Feedback Process

    Rex � can we get ideas from OASIS and see how it should work.

    • In other groups someone took responsibility to review comments and post to TC list (numbered and dated) and scheduled TC to discuss at next TC call. Anyone who replied to that issue. That response rely would be contained in the thread. Good was to maintain continuity
    • During course of discussion make decision as to whether to change spec or not
    • Not responsible for responding back to individual.

    Art � so we use public comment list and TC list to list questions. One person puts in order and gives identity and then discussed at TC level. Art will take responsibility for reviewing the comments.

    Art is working on white paper about emergency alert system and CAP. Anyone who wants to review please, send email to Art and he will share a draft copy of it.

    Next Meeting

    Tuesday, September 9th, 2003 10am EDT/1pm PDT

    Dial in: 1.800.453.7412

    Access code: 604776

    Cathy M. Subatch
    E Team Inc.
    818.932.0660 x248
    310.770.6885 (mobile)
    --- End Message ---

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