OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

OpenDocument TC meeting minutes 2009-03-23

  • 1.  OpenDocument TC meeting minutes 2009-03-23

    Posted 03-23-2009 21:00
    OpenDocument TC meeting minutes 2009-03-23
    * Begin 10:06 EST
    * Rollcall
    Bob Jolliffe
    +David Faure
    +David Wheeler
    +Dennis E. Hamilton
    +Donald Harbison
    +Eike Rathke
    +Eric Patterson
    +Florian Reuter
    +Jomar Silva
    +Michael Brauer
    +Ming Fei Jia
    +Oliver-Rainer Wittmann
    +Patrick Durusau
    +Peter Junge
    +Robert Weir (presiding)
    +Stephen Peront
    Voting Members are indicated with a + before their name. 
    - 13 of 17 voting members (88%) were in attendance, so quorum requirements 
    were met.
    Membership notes:
    -  Charles Schulz loses voting rights at the adjournment of today's 
    * Agenda as posted was amended to include discussion of of upcoming 
    holidays as well as discussion of SC34 Plenary.  The amended agenda was 
    approved by unanimous consent
    * Minutes of the 2 February call (revised), were approved by unanimous 
    * Meeting cancelations due to holidays
    The TC agreed that the following TC meetings will be canceled due to 
    public holidays: April 13th, May 25th, June 1st.
    * European daylight savings time changes
    Starting next Monday clocks will be set ahead one hour in Europe.   The 
    TC's meeting time will remain pegged at the current UTC time (1400). 
    Members who set their clocks ahead 1 hour next week will see the TC 
    meeting time shift one hour earlier relative to local time.  For everyone 
    else, the meeting time will be unchanged relative to local time.
    * ODF 1.2
    - Rob gave a list of items which need to be completed before we can move 
    ODF 1.2 to a public review draft.  These are a combination of 
    OASIS-required items and items which the TC previously committed to 
    1) Integration of member comments on ODF 1.2, including items already 
    tracked as editor notes in the draft
    2) Updated conformance clause language as discussed previously
    3) Updated contributors section, as required by OASIS
    4) Disposition of all remaining public comments, which the TC previously 
    committed to do
    5) Update of external references section, including separation of 
    normative from informative references
    6) More consistent use of normative control vocabulary, e.g., 'shall' for 
    7) Verify that examples and schemas are well-formed, per OASIS 
    Rob proposed that we complete these items over two additional CD's, aiming 
    for CD02 to be approved at the April 20th meeting, assuming Patrick could 
    have a draft ready for TC review by the 13th.  CD03 would have the 
    remaining items complete and be the candidate for a public review draft, 
    contingent on the TC further approving that draft for public review.
    * JTC1/SC34 Plenary
    Florian asked whether any TC members were attending.  No one said that 
    they were.  Florian would attend representing Ecma.  The TC briefly 
    discussed the ODF/OOXML mapping effort.
    * Further processing of public comments
    - Comments 211-213 were discussed. 
    211 & 212 were referred to the ODF-Next SC.
    213 is fixed in ODF 1.2, though a similar error also occurs in 19.167 of 
    ODF 1.2 CD01.  Both errors will be fixed in the next ODF 1.0 Approved 
    * Adjourned at 11:01