OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  Minutes 7-9-04 TC

    Posted 09-08-2004 14:21
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    Subject: Minutes 7-9-04 TC

    Below are the minutes from the 9-9-04 TC:

    1.  Roll Call.  Present on the conference call were:
    Karl Best
    Art Botterell
    Rex Brooks
    Rich Carlton
    Gary Hamm
    Elysa Jones
    Tom Merkle
    Michelle Raymond, prospective
    Elenor Robinson
    Kwasi Speede
    Rob Torchon

    2.  Nov 15 XML 2004 CAP Demonstration.  There seems to be general interest in doing such a demonstration with several companies represented showing an interest.  Many are going to be there anyway doing their own presentation.  Rob agreed to get in touch with Matt Walton about moving this forward.

    3.  Nov 15 Face to Face.  We will try to have a face to face meeting during the Nov 15-19 week of the XML 2004 conference/show.  Elysa has requested space and information from Jane Hanad who is working with IDEAlliance on space.  Of those on the call, a majority said they could attend.

    4.  TC Charter.  The published charter for the EM TC is a bit out of date now that CAP V1 has been approved.  Elysa will make a first pass review of the charter and suggest updates to the statement and deliverables.  After a sanity check by some folks from the original charter group, it will be sent out to the full committee for review.  The plan is to have an updated charter in place several weeks before the XML 2004.

    5.  EM TC Liaisons were updated as follows:
    Emergency Information Consortium (Matt Walton)
    DeoVRML (Rex Brooks)
    OASIS eGov TC (Eliot Christian - on leave of absence)
    OASIS HumanML TC (Rex Brooks)
    OASIS Security JC (Rex Brooks) This group has never met, Rex will check to see if it still stands.
    OASIS WAS TC (Jeremy Poteet) - no one on the call knew anything about this group.  If anyone has any information, please let me know.
    OASIS WSRP TC (Rex Brooks)
    Open GIS (Carl Reed)
    PPW - Art Botterell

    6.  Subcommittee reports.  We currently have three subcommittees active as follows:
    EM-MSG Co-chaired by Rex Brooks and Art Botterell, EM-IF Co-charied by Rich Carlton and Tom Merkle and the EM-GIS Chaired by Karl Best.  Each subcommittee gave a short synopsis of what is going on and will send this out to the list.

    The next conference call will be 9/21/04 at 12:00 EDT.  Please submit any requests for the agenda to Elysa Jones <ejones@warningsystems.com>.

    Respectfully submitted,
    Elysa Jones, Chair - EMTC
    Warning Systems, Inc.
    256-880-8702 x102

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