Title: IMPORTANT VOTE on THURSDAY'S CALL -- PLEASE ATTEND... Hi all, Please find enclosed a revised version of the XACML 1.0 Committee Specification incorporating all the resolutions to the comments received during the public comment period. We will be voting to approve this revision as the official XACML 1.0 Committee Specification on Thursday's TC conference call. Please be sure to attend, as we need 2/3 approval of the voting members to accept this specification. Also to be discussed on this concall will be the future of this specification (do we still wish to submit it for approval as an OASIS Standard; if so, when?). Many thanks to those who worked so hard to keep track of, come to resolution on, and incorporate the resolutions of, the public comments! And many thanks, of course, to those who took the time to review the spec in great detail and submit their comments and questions! I think we can all agree that the specification is vastly improved because of this public review and input. See (hear) you on Thursday! Carlisle. <<XACML v1.0 Dec 11.doc>>