Sorry, folks, the link is:
. . . . . . . . . . Ken5
At 2007-11-20 11:52 -0500, G. Ken Holman wrote:
>Minutes of 2007-11-20 Code List Representation TC teleconference
>Hello all,
>Please find the minutes of today's meeting posted at:
>The full text (without indentation) is posted
>below for convenience, but the record above is
>official and will point to any revisions that may be posted in the future.
>. . . . . . . . . . . Ken
>Minutes for 2007-11-20 Code List Representation TC Meeting
>Copyright © 2007 OASIS
>$Date: 2007/11/20 16:46:24 $(UTC)
>Table of Contents
>1. Roll call
>2. Previous meeting 2007-10-30
>3. Standing items
>4. Action items from previous meetings
>5. Discussion of next steps and timetable
>5.1. Review of delivery dates in charter:
>6. Other (short) discussions and business related to the committee
>7. Next teleconference
>8. Any other business
>9. Summary of action items pending after this meeting
>10. End of meeting
>Convened at 15:00(UTC) - 2007-11-20
>Public Record:
>Member Record:
>Many thanks to the Financial Information
>Services Division (FISD) of
>SIIA for sponsoring our teleconference.
>1. Roll call
>Jon Bosak
>Anthony Coates
>G. Ken Holman
>Regrets received in advance:
>Jim Harris
>Public Record:
>Member Record (sort by "Role" column to see
>voting members at end of list):
>Attendance Requirements:
>2. Previous meeting 2007-10-30
>Public Record:
>Member Record:
>There were no comments on the minutes of the previous meeting.
>3. Standing items
>All members to consider additions to the implementations list
>All members to post ideas for describing our
>committee's work to be used for promotion and evangelism
>All members need to evangelize the committee and recruit new members
>4. Action items from previous meetings
>Ken to solicit at least three statements of use for genericode
>no action
>Tony to prepare and post the third committee draft for genericode
>Ken has posted a candidate namespace document:
>Tony to send Ken different URL for the "Original Version" citation for xml.xsd
>Ken has already revised the namespace document
>based on Tony's feedback immediately after the meeting
>Ken to conduct email ballot regarding committee
>draft approval and submission for third public review
>insufficient time for an email ballot, votes held during this teleconference
>AGREED to accept the posted documents as the
>third committee draft of genericode 1.0
>AGREED to put the third committee draft out for public review
>Ken to trigger OASIS process for third public review
>All to review the context/value association file
>specification in preparation for next teleconference
>attendees were unprepared to talk about the contents
>a discussion was held regarding the use of a
>beta namespace URI string until we are closer to being finished
>this will be used by projects such as UBL that
>need to publish CVA files before CVA files are finalized by our committee
>by forcing implementers to address their code to
>change the beta namespace URI string to the
>final namespace URI string, we can ensure that
>any changes in the final version will not go ignored by implementers
>Ken will post a revised package ASAP for review at our next teleconference
>5. Discussion of next steps and timetable
>5.1. Review of delivery dates in charter:
>what is our status?
>first public review complete July 16, 2007
>second public review started October 16, 2007 ending October 31
>voted during this teleconference to accept the
>third committee draft and to put the third
>committee draft out for public review
>the scope of changes is only the rearranged
>conformance section and the repaired use of xml:lang= and Lang= attributes
>if no comments of significance related to the
>scope of the third public review are received we
>can begin the online approval of the third
>committee draft as a committee specification
>if we do have comments of significance we need
>to wait 7 days before commencing the vote
>my interpretation of section 3.3 is that the
>submission to OASIS for online voting of the
>Committee Specification can begin without a
>further authorization from the committee
>when Committee Specification is reached, and
>with three Statements of Use in hand, the
>document is submitted to OASIS for approval as an OASIS Standard
>submissions for OASIS standardization are due by the 15th of each month
>we don't yet have three organizational members
>prepared to submit a Statement of Use, so we
>will wait until the 15th of a month following
>the date we receive the third such document
>6. Other (short) discussions and business related to the committee
>7. Next teleconference
>Determine date and time of next meetings.
>Tuesday 2007-12-18 15:00(UTC)
>Public Record:
>Member Record:
>8. Any other business
>9. Summary of action items pending after this meeting
>Ken to trigger OASIS process
>Ken to post CVA update with beta namespace URI strings
>All to review CVA before next meeting
>10. End of meeting
>Comprehensive in-depth XSLT2/XSL-FO1.1 classes: Austin TX,Jan-2008
>World-wide corporate, govt. & user group XML, XSL and UBL training
>RSS feeds: publicly-available developer resources and training
>G. Ken Holman
>Crane Softwrights Ltd.
>Box 266, Kars, Ontario CANADA K0A-2E0 +1(613)489-0999 (F:-0995)
>Male Cancer Awareness Nov'07
>Legal business disclaimers:
>To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
>generates this mail. You may a link to this group and all your TCs in OASIS
Comprehensive in-depth XSLT2/XSL-FO1.1 classes: Austin TX,Jan-2008
World-wide corporate, govt. & user group XML, XSL and UBL training
RSS feeds: publicly-available developer resources and training
G. Ken Holman
Crane Softwrights Ltd.
Box 266, Kars, Ontario CANADA K0A-2E0 +1(613)489-0999 (F:-0995)
Male Cancer Awareness Nov'07
Legal business disclaimers: