OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

  • 1.  Latest Updates

    Posted 05-15-2001 08:51
    The list of members is available at
    http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/xacml/members.htm. OASIS is in the
    process of doing a final eligibility review.
    There is a known bug with our area of the site. If it is accessed via
    http://www.xacml.org most of the links break.
    I still need a Membership and Recording Secretary volunteer. Some of you
    have already experienced my inadequacies with respect to keeping track of
    such things as membership. Fair warning ... I'm too old to change ;-) and my
    detailed minute taking capabilities aren't much better. I am quite good at
    getting things moving and keeping them moving, but I could do with some
    support on the tracking end of things.
    I'd also like to see nominations and seconds for a Vice Chair who can easily
    and officially slip in should I be unable to fulfill my duties.
    Simon Y. Blackwell 
    Psoom, Inc. 
    Voice & Fax: 415-762-9787