OpenDocument TC coordination call minutes 2008-08-25
* Begin 10:02 EDT
* Rollcall
Robert Weir, IBM (presiding)
Michael Brauer, Sun Microsystems
Eike Rathke, Sun Microsystems
Oliver-Rainer Wittmann, Sun Microsystems
Ming Fei Jia, IBM
Dennis E. Hamilton, Individual
Doug Mahugh, Microsoft (returning from leave of absence)
Patrick Durusau, Individual
Jun Ma, Beijing Redflag Chinese 2000 Software
Bob Jolliffe, South Africa Department of Science and Technology
David Wheeler, Institute for Defense Analyses
Helen Yue, IBM
- 9 of 12 voting members were in attendance, 75%, so quorum requirements
were met.
Dennis Hamilton just joined the ODF TC. As this was his first TC call, he
was given an opportunity to introduce himself.
* Meeting schedule
Rob noted several upcoming holidays in the US and in China and proposed
that the TC meetings scheduled for these days be canceled:
September 1st -- Labor Day (US)
September 15th -- Moon-Day (China)
October 6th -- National Day (China)
This was agreed to without objection.
The resulting schedule, also accounting for some vacation time by the
co-chairs, will be:
August 25 -- Rob chairs
September 1st -- No meeting (US Labor Day)
September 8th -- Rob chairs
September 15th -- No meeting (Chinese mid-autumn holiday Moon-Day)
Setpember 22nd -- Michael chairs
September 29th -- Michael chairs
October 6th -- No meeting (Chinese National Day)
October 13th -- Rob Chairs
* Adopting the agenda
One change was proposed:
- Michael requested that a discussion of default values (proposal #16) be
added to the agenda, as a carry-over from last week, where it was not
discussed for lack of time.
Without objection, this agenda item was inserted after item #8 in the
agenda, and without objection the agenda was approved.
* Minutes of the 18 August meeting were approved without objection:
* Vote on creation of ODF-Next Requirements Subcommittee.
Rob nominated Bob Jolliffe, who had previously expressed interest, as
Chair. There were no other nominations and Bob was approved as SC Chair,
without objection.
The proposed charter, as linked to from the agenda, was accepted, without
objection, resulting in the following approved subcommittee charter:
Name: The Subcommittee will be called the "ODF-Next Requirements SC"
Statement of purpose
As the ODF TC completes its work on ODF 1.2, it is desirable to
instantiate a parallel effort to gather requirements and define a vision
for the next major revision of the standard.
It is the purpose of the ODF-Next Requirements Subcommittee to gather
requirements, to categorize these requirements by theme, to prioritize
these requirements, and to submit a report to the ODF TC on a recommended
set of work items for the next major version of ODF, which will have the
working name of "ODF-Next".
Scope of work
In accordance with the above Purpose, the ODF-Next Requirements SC would
undertake the following activities:
To collect requirements for ODF-Next from TC members, from the OASIS ODF
Adoption TC, from implementors, from users, from the public, and from
other stakeholders;
To ensure that all requirements collected have been formally submitted as
contributions to the ODF TC, either as TC member contributions or via the
Feedback Licence;
To categorize these comments according theme;
To prioritize the themes and the requirements within the themes;
To produce and submit to the ODF TC a report on a recommended set of work
items for ODF-Next
1. An ODF-Next Requirements Proposal document (target May 1st, 2009)
Manner and schedule of work
The work of the subcommittee will be primarily through conference calls
and a mail list set up by OASIS for subcommittee work, or other IT tools
provided by OASIS for TC work. Access by the public will be through an
openly available mail list archive.
Conference calls may be scheduled on a regular basis as agreed by the
subcommittee after its formation. The intent is to have this be a
low-intensity background activity that sets a pace of work that will not
distract from ongoing ODF 1.2 work, and which will allow all interested TC
members to participate.
Chair & Editor
Bob Jolliffe (Chair)
Rob will bring this new SC to the attention of OASIS staff once the
minutes of this meeting are posted.
* Approved Errata Update
The public review period for the OASIS ODF 1.0 Approved Errata 01 draft
ended on Friday. We received a few comments which Rob has collected here:
Rob noted that the TC has an obligation to acknowledge each comment
received during the public review period, as well as to post the
disposition/resolution of each comment.
The TC reviewed possible next steps, and agreed on the following:
- Rob will acknowledge the receipt of the comments
- The TC agrees to produce a revised Approved Errata draft which will
address several of the comments received. In particular, the agreed goal
is to have a complete response to the SC34 defect report.
- Patrick will try to have a draft ready by the 8 September TC meeting
- Once the TC approves the draft, an additional 15-day public review
period will be required on the changes.
* Action Item Review
- The TC did not not do a comprehensive review of action items this week.
- Oliver reported that he had completed and posted information on
public/private document URL's. Rob took over the action item, to see if
OASIS can add this info to the document notification template.
- Bob reported progress in contacting the Digital Signature Services TC.
Awaiting more information.
- Dennis noted that Appendix I of ODF 1.1 has some copyright terms that
may pertinent to action item #56.
* Proposal Discussions
- Helen lead discussion of data table enhancement proposal. Rob requested
that the proposal be updated to make it clear which portions were new
versus existing text in schema and ODF text. David suggested that we
might share definitions from OpenFormula for range and rangelist.
- Michael lead discussion on his style inheritance proposal which
clarifies the intended mechanism.
- Michael lead discussion on default value proposal. Rob suggested that
some tooling might help us check the standard to ensure that default
values were not proposed for mandatory attributes.
* Adjourned: 11:01 EDT