OASIS Emergency Management TC

Re: [emergency] NOAA Letter and meeting today a 3:00 EDT

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] NOAA Letter and meeting today a 3:00 EDT

    Posted 06-16-2006 17:39
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    emergency message

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    Subject: Re: [emergency] NOAA Letter and meeting today a 3:00 EDT

    Good suggestions, I will incorporate into the draft.  Elysa
    At 11:45 AM 6/16/2006, Rex Brooks wrote:
    >Thanks Elysa,
    >I am available today for the call.
    >I think the first paragraph is a bit disjointed. 
    >I think the second sentence should not be one 
    >long sentence, but two shorter ones. Also the 
    >last sentence does not seem to belong with the 
    >paragraph's overall thought and sounds like 
    >something I would expect the addressee (along 
    >with whomever else we are addressing by 
    >implication) to know. I think it should be a 
    >separate short paragraph. I suggest:
    >I am writing on behalf of the Emergency 
    >Management Technical Committee (EMTC) of the 
    >Organization for the Advancement of Structured 
    >Information Standards (OASIS). We would like to 
    >commend your staff for utilizing the Common 
    >Alerting Protocol (CAP) as the basis for the 
    >HazCollect system, an NWS initiative in 
    >partnership with the Federal Emergency 
    >Management Agency. We also want to address an 
    >anticipated far reaching problem with the system in its current form.
    >As you may know, HazCollect enables federal, 
    >state and local emergency managers to 
    >automatically forward Non-Weather Emergency 
    >Messages into the NOAA All-Hazard Radio network 
    >and other NOAA public dissemination systems.
    >I would also break the current second paragraph 
    >into at least two paragraphs, breaking with the 
    >sentence that starts: "Deviation...."
    >At 10:46 AM -0500 6/16/06, Elysa Jones wrote:
    >>TC Members,
    >>Patti and I have worked on the NOAA letter 
    >>which is attached.  Please review as soon as 
    >>possible. I would like to have a telecon to 
    >>accept any final comments and approve the 
    >>letter with a quorum this afternoon if 
    >>possible.  Please try to be available for a 
    >>very short call at 3:00EDT.  Reply to the list 
    >>if can make this. Thank you, Elysa
    >>Attachment converted: Macintosh 
    >>HD:Lautenbacher_draft_TC1.doc (WDBN/�IC�) (001451A6)
    >>To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
    >>generates this mail.  You may a link to this group and all your TCs in OASIS
    >Rex Brooks
    >President, CEO
    >Starbourne Communications Design
    >GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    >Berkeley, CA 94702
    >Tel: 510-849-2309

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