OASIS Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) TC

Re: [cti] CybOX Object Extensions

  • 1.  Re: [cti] CybOX Object Extensions

    Posted 02-15-2016 21:08
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    I agree with Eldan’s points about extensions, at least pertaining to CybOX; although they’ll be defined and used by a small subset of the community, it’s likely there will be a number of custom CybOX Object extensions to capture things that we currently
    can’t. I also think that having a generalized Extension class makes sense, and should probably be defined in CTI Common as it is applicable to both STIX and CybOX. 

    As far as patterning and extensions, there are likely several ways we could go about it, as you mentioned. For instance, patterning semantics could be defined completely at the individual field level, so that extension version wouldn’t matter in this regard.
    Or, we could say that patterns are compatible with a particular major version of an extension, so that patterns are backwards-compatible in this scope. 


    From: Eldan Ben-Haim < ELDAN@il.ibm.com >
    Date: Monday, February 15, 2016 at 1:00 PM
    To: Bret Jordan < bret.jordan@bluecoat.com >
    Cc: Ivan Kirillov < ikirillov@mitre.org >, Patrick Maroney < Pmaroney@Specere.org >, " cti@lists.oasis-open.org "
    < cti@lists.oasis-open.org >
    Subject: Re: [cti] CybOX Object Extensions

    I agree with point 4 below.

    On points 1-3 -- I personally believe that opening the route for extensions would lead to quicker adoption AND healthy evolution of the standard over time -- as some of these "custom extensions" will become of wide-use (or patterns
    of those extensions will become of wide-use), this will be a good indicator to consider getting them on the standard and having a working model of how data should be modelled for these new extensions.

    I do suggest, tho, to consider having all "extensions" subclass a common (probably CybOX Object-agnostic) type that will include:
            (a)        'extension identifying' properties

            (b)        a 'must understand' property (may be extremely important for patterns)

    One more point, not directly related to supporting custom extensions, re sub-classing extension types further: I think this *should* be considered. Consider for example a "pattern" for a file object, which uses a, say, WindowsFileObjectExension
    extension to specify some windows-related requirements on file attributes.

    Now, suppose we have a collected "instance" for a file object in Windows, collected by a "modern" collector, so the file is represented by a CybOX file object with an extension of type WindowsFileObjectExtensionV2 -- a newer
    version of Windows file object extensions.
    How do we evaluate match of the pattern to the instance? Either we define intricate comparison rules between the types ('a pattern on WindowsFileObjectExtension may match a pattern in the same name in WindowsFileObjectExtensionV2'),
    or we define general rules about patterns and extension inheritance and make V2 inherit the original extension version.

    Of course, we could also say that the patterns semantics are completely independent of the collection/"instance" semantics but I think this is losing something.


    Eldan Ben-Haim
    CTO, Trusteer
    Software Group, Security Systems

    Phone: +972-73-225-4610
    Mobile: +972-54-779-7359
    E-mail: ELDAN@il.ibm.com

    13 Noah Mozes Street
    Tel Aviv, TA 67442

    From:         "Jordan, Bret" < bret.jordan@bluecoat.com >
    To:         "Kirillov, Ivan A." < ikirillov@mitre.org >
    Cc:         Patrick Maroney < Pmaroney@Specere.org >, " cti@lists.oasis-open.org " < cti@lists.oasis-open.org >
    Date:         02/15/2016 07:46 PM
    Subject:         Re: [cti] CybOX Object Extensions
    Sent by:         < cti@lists.oasis-open.org >

    A few questions:

    1) How many people are going to create their own custom fields?

    2) If someone wants to create custom fields outside of what we define, how should that be done?  This applies to STIX as well.

    3) Realistically, for those groups that are going to use custom fields, how many of them are going to publish the schema for it?  Meaning, put that schema on a public facing web site?  

    4) What is the purpose, really, for sending along a schema for something that is made up?  It seems like it is a way to gain false trust that something is valid.  



    Bret Jordan CISSP
    Director of Security Architecture and Standards Office of the CTO
    Blue Coat Systems
    PGP Fingerprint: 63B4 FC53 680A 6B7D 1447  F2C0 74F8 ACAE 7415 0050
    "Without cryptography vihv vivc ce xhrnrw, however, the only thing that can not be unscrambled is an egg."

    On Feb 15, 2016, at 08:36, Kirillov, Ivan A. < ikirillov@mitre.org > wrote:

    I definitely agree, Pat. As far the second point, would it be enough to specify where the schema can be found, something like:

    “custom_metadata”:{“schema_url”:” http://www.acme.org/custom_metadata.json "

    Just wondering if a formal process for passing extension schemas is something that we need to define as part of the language (this applies to STIX as well).


    From: Patrick Maroney < Pmaroney@Specere.org >
    Date: Monday, February 15, 2016 at 7:59 AM
    To: " cti@lists.oasis-open.org " < cti@lists.oasis-open.org >,
    Ivan Kirillov < ikirillov@mitre.org >
    Subject: Re: [cti] CybOX Object Extensions

    I propose that we should add the ability to define and pass the extension object's json schema.

    Patrick Maroney
    Integrated Networking Technologies, Inc.
    Desk: (856)983-0001
    Cell: (609)841-5104
    Email: pmaroney@specere.org

    From: Kirillov, Ivan A. < ikirillov@mitre.org >
    Sent: Monday, February 15, 2016 9:44 AM
    Subject: Re: [cti] CybOX Object Extensions
    To: < cti@lists.oasis-open.org >

    That’s a great question Eldan; I don’t think we’ll ever be completely aware of all future extensions, and therefore we should make our design flexible so that the “base” Object does not have to be updated to take into account new
    extensions, and also so that custom extensions can be specified.  

    In the Volume example referenced below, we hard-coded the set of available extensions for the sake of JSON schema validation; however, to support the above goals we’ll likely just need to make the “extended_properties” field an
    abstract dictionary, with a set of “default” extensions that are available and documented via the specification, but not enforced in the JSON schema:

    "extended-properties" : { "type" : "object" }


    From: < cti@lists.oasis-open.org > on behalf of Eldan Ben-Haim <
    ELDAN@il.ibm.com >

    Date: Sunday, February 14, 2016 at 6:01 AM
    To: Ivan Kirillov < ikirillov@mitre.org >

    Cc: " cti@lists.oasis-open.org " <
    cti@lists.oasis-open.org >

    Subject: Re: [cti] CybOX Object Extensions

    Reference [1] below suggests that the specification of a "base" object (e.g Volume) is aware of all future extensions; for example the "Volume" definition's "extended-properties" type lists all possible extensions.

    If I read this right, this means that there's no way to represent an extension other than what the specification initially proposed (what's more, this means that even as the specification evolves we'll need to formally change existing base objects as we add

    Is this correct?


    Eldan Ben-Haim
    CTO, Trusteer
    Software Group, Security Systems


    Phone: +972-73-225-4610
    Mobile: +972-54-779-7359
    E-mail: ELDAN@il.ibm.com

    13 Noah Mozes Street
    Tel Aviv , TA 67442

    From:         "Kirillov, Ivan A." < ikirillov@mitre.org >
    To:         " cti@lists.oasis-open.org "
    < cti@lists.oasis-open.org >
    Date:         02/10/2016 08:01 PM
    Subject:         [cti] CybOX Object Extensions
    Sent by:         < cti@lists.oasis-open.org >

    Sending this to the broader CTI list since it’s part of the STIX/CybOX Indicator tranche.

    I don’t believe we have consensus yet on the concept of CybOX extensions, so here’s our current thinking to help summarize where we stand:

    CybOX Object extensions are intended to replace the existing CybOX Object hierarchy that is defined through classes and subclasses (e.g., the Windows File Object is a subclass of the File Object), in order to address the issues
    with this approach [1] Extensions can be defined only for a specific Object (i.e., there are no “generic” extensions – the File Object has its own set, the Network Connection Object has its own set, etc.) An Object may have 0..N extensions defined for it The maximum cardinality for a specific extension on an Object instance is 1 Certain extensions may be mutually exclusive with each other in Object instances Extensions are captured in an Object instance through the
    extended-properties field

    The extended-properties field is a map/dictionary (our previous thinking was that it would be an array, but it was pointed out that having it be a dictionary
    would make it easier to access data from specific extensions, and also goes along with the policy of only allowing one extension of a particular type in an instance)

    Here’s a JSON example of what extensions on a File Object would look like:

      "hashes": [{
          "type": "md5",
          "hash-value": "3773a88f65a5e780c8dff9cdc3a056f3"
      "size": 25537,
      "extended-properties": {
          "FileMetadataExtension": {"mime-type": "vnd.microsoft.portable-executable"},
          "EXT3FileExtension": {"inode": "34483923"},
          "PEBinaryFileExtension": {"exports": [{"name": "foo_app"}]}

    Besides some logistical questions around extension management and versioning [2], the biggest open question is around extension design, especially whether we should permit overlapping properties. Our current thinking is that extensions are defined independently
    and cannot extend/sub-class each other (to avoid the same issues that we’ve had with this approach). What this means in practice is that there could be cases where two extensions share one or more properties; for example, if we have an EXT2FileExtension and
    EXT3FileExtension, both could have the “inode” property. To get around this, we could create a “generic” EXTFileExtension that has a set of properties common to all EXT file systems, and have the EXT2FileExtension and EXT3FileExtension contain only their unique
    set of properties.

    Are there any thoughts on how we should approach this? Should we permit overlapping properties in extensions?

    [1   https://github.com/CybOXProject/schemas/wiki/CybOX-Design:-Object-Hierarchy-Structuring#issue-description
    [2] https://github.com/CybOXProject/schemas/wiki/CybOX-Design:-Object-Hierarchy-Structuring#potential-issuesopen-questions


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