i. Proposed working title
Service Component Architecture Assembly Specification
I wonder whether the "Proposed working title" given in the
SCA-C draft charter is correct, or (?) perhaps an error. The
"Service Component Architecture Assembly Specification"
matches the title of the specification named in the Proposed
Charter for the SCA-Assembly TC, presented here:
Here's the list of "Proposed working title"s for the six
TC charters (as numbered by their release)
1: Service Component Architecture Assembly Specification
2: Service Component Architecture Policy Framework Specification
3: Service Component Architecture Web Service Binding Specification
Service Component Architecture Java Message System (JMS) Binding Specification
Service Component Architecture J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA) Binding Specification
4: SCA Java Component Implementation Specification
SCA Java Common Annotations and APIs Specification
SCA Spring Component Implementation Specification
SCA EJB Session Bean Binding Specification
SCA Java EE Integration Specification
5: Service Component Architecture BPEL Client and Implementation Specification
6: Service Component Architecture Assembly Specification
I note also that the "Deliverables" section for the SCA-C proposal
identifies four separate "specifications":
The TC has the following set of deliverables:
* A revised SCA Client and Implementation Model Specification for C++,
together with a complete set of conformance statements
* A revised SCA Client and Implementation Model Specification for C,
together with a complete set of conformance statements
* A complete Test Suite specification for the SCA C++ Specification
including documents and the related materials described in the scope
* A complete Test Suite specification for the SCA C Specification
including documents and the related materials described in the scope
These specifications will reflect refinements, corrections or material
technological improvements with respect to the input documents and in
accordance with this charter. Ratification of the above specifications as
OASIS Standards, including a brief period to address any errata, will mark
the end of the TC's lifecycle. The TC may choose to vary the number of the
specification documents and their titles.
Robin Cover
OASIS, Chief Information Architect